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North Carolina Civil War Photos
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NC 2nd Infantry Regiment Officers
The Confederate Grays, Company E of 20th Regiment, North Carolina Troops
Harris, Henry Speck - NC 6th Infantry Regiment
North Carolina $50 note issued in 1863. In the center of the note is a likeness of North Carolina governor Zebulon B. Vance.
117. Ruins in Front of the Capitol - Richmond, VA, 1865
118. Silhouette of Ruins of Haxall's Mills, Showing Some of the Destruction caused by a Confederate Attempt to Burn Richmond - Richmond, VA, 1865
119. The White House of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis' Home - Richmond, VA
231. Grounds of the Ruined Arsenal with Scattered Shot and Shell - Richmond, VA, April 1865
397. Barges with African Americans on the Canal, Ruined Buildings Beyond - Richmond, VA, 1865
400. Front View of Capitol - Richmond, VA, 1865
401. Custom House (left) and Capitol (center); Rubble in Street - Richmond, VA, April, 1865
421. Graves of Confederate Soldiers in Hollywood Cemetery, with Board Markers - Richmond, VA, 1865
422. Grave of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart in Hollywood Cemetery, with Temporary Marker - Richmond, VA, 1865
423. Tomb of President James Monroe in Hollywood Cemetery - Richmond, VA, 1865
439. Monumental Church - Richmond, VA, 1865
For Additional Research