Congress met, and by a modification of the tariff, oil was poured upon the troubled waters. Soon all warlike demoustrations ceased, but still bitterness rankled in the bosoms of many.
Samuel P. Carson believed that the doctrine of States Rights contained a vital principle in our Government, and was, therefore, one of its warmest advocates. A large majority of the people of his district regarded the preservation of the Union paramount to every other blessing, and at the Congressional election which took place in 1833, he was defeated by the Hon. James Graham.
But Mr. Carson had lost his health, and was not able to canvass his district.
He never appeared before the people of his district again.
Mr. Carson knew the strength of General Jackson's prejudices, and the vigor of his temper, and being a very warm personal friend, felt anxious to know what his feelings towards him were after the change in their political relations.
Therefore, upon meeting General Jackson's brother-in-law, immediately after returning to Washington, he inquired what the General's feelings toward him were. He replied: "They always were to be of the kindest sort, he is fond of your company; that he does not dislike you or Sam Houston."
There never seemed the slightest abatement in the warmth of his feelings for Carson. His invitations to him were just as frequent as ever; their friendly and social relations were never disturbed in the slightest degree. When in Washington City Mr. Carson was a general favorite among the members of Congress, their relations were very kind, and his intercourse with them was very pleasant.
A coolness occurred between him and the great Daniel Webster, which prevented them from speaking to each other for three or four years. It was terminated however, and in a manner which shows the kindly impulsive nature of Mr. Carson. At a large public ball, Mr. Carson in turning saw Mr. Webster, who was standing with his arms folded in rather an abstracted manner. Giving way to the impulse of the moment, he immediately advanced to him with his hand extended, and said, in his usual hearty manner, "How do you do, sir?" Mr. Webster grasped his hand most cordially and exclaimed: "Carson, I always liked you, I knew you to be an honest man." And they were friends ever after.
Mr. Carson continued feeble; and indeed, he never regained his health. He passed his time in the quiet enjoyment of the society of his friends, until the year 1835, when he resolved to remove to Texas--then struggling under the oppressions of Mexico. In that year he visited that country for the purpose of selecting a home; and when he returned, he could not but have been gratified at the striking evidence which the people of his native county had given of their confidence in him, and their high esteem. They had elected him, during his absence, as their member of the State Convention, which was held that year, 1835. He accepted the position, and discharged the duties with fidelity and acceptability. In the fall of 1836, he removed with his family to the county which he had selected; and the same year was elected member of the Convention of Texas, of which General David G. Burnett was President, and which created the Republic.
This was a dark and gloomy hour. Gladly did Texas welcome such a man as Samuel P. Carson. In the organization he was made Secretary of State; and it was owing to his intimate acquaintance and personal popularity with the public men of the United States he was sent to Washington City to intercede for the recognition of the Republic among the nations of the earth.
At this time the whole civilized world was
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