Reminiscences of Service with the First Infantry Regiment of Georgia

Colonel Olmstead assumed command of the 1st Infantry Regiment after Col. Mercer was promoted to Brigadier General October 29, 1861. This book is a first hand account of the war, focusing primarily on activities around Charlseton, SC. Our edition also contains the compiled service records of Mercer-Olmstead's 1st Georgia Infantry.

Mercer-Olmstead's 1st Georgia Infantry was made up of the following companies:

Company A - Chatham County
Company B - Chatham County
First Company C - Chatham County
Second Company C - Chatham County
Company D - Chatham County
First Company E - Chatham County
Second Company E - Chatham County
Company F - Chatham County
Company G - Chatham County
Company H - Chatham County
Company I - Chatham County
Company K - Chatham County
Davenport's Independent Company - Chatham County

294 pgs. paperback
Publisher: Eastern Digital Resources
Available in paperback, hardback, and EBOOK formats

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Featured Volumes

Historical Sketch & Roster of The Georgia 1st Infantry Regiment (Mercer-Olmsteads)
Historical Sketch and Roster of the Georgia 1st Infantry Regiment Mercer-Olmsteads

Rigdon, John C.
310 pgs.

HARDBACK - $60.00
PAPERBACK - $40.00
DVD - $15.00
COMBO - $50.00
EBOOK - $9.79
Paperback or CD-ROM

The Battle for Buckhead Creek and Waynesborough
The Battle for Buckhead Creek and Waynesborough
Rigdon, John C.
149 pgs.

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PAPERBACK - $20.00
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