The Civil War in North Carolina

Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians

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and he was triumphantly elected over an active and able opposition. But the Convention, defeated by the popular vote, never met. Although a Union man, and opposed to the doctrine of secession, yet when the war actually commenced, he joined his fortunes with those of his State and entered the army as Captain of a company in the 3rd Reg. of Volunteers to serve for twelve months. Upon the expiration of his term of enlistment, Mr. Settle returned from the army, and was elected one of the 4th Judicial Circuit and won much praise by the vigorous and faithful performance of his duty. He was elected in 1865 a member of the (Holden) convention, held at Raleigh, October 12th, 1865, and in the same year to be a Senator in the Legislature, of which body he was chosen Speaker. A rare instance in the history of the State, where the same person so young was honored with the Speakership of each House. He took an active and prominent part in the convention in devising manner to reconstruct the broken down walls of our political Zion. In April, 1868, he was elected one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State. This elevated position he held until 1871, when on February 18th, of that year, he was commissioned Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Peru. He was also President of the National Convention that nominated Grant. After a short residence abroad, he returned home, and in 1872 he was nominated as a candidate for Congress, in the Fifth Congressional District, opposing General James M. Leach. This was a contest involving fierce and frequent contests, but General Leach was elected by 268 majority. Leach received 10,735, Settle 10,487.

        He was re-appointed one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, which he held until he was nominated as the Republican candidate for Governor in 1876, and was defeated by Governer Vance, by more than 13,000 votes; Vance receiving 123,307 votes, and Settle 110,178. This closed Judge Settle's career for the present in our State, as he was appointed Judge of the United States District Court for the northern district of Florida, Jan. 30th, 1877, and now resides at Jacksonville, in that State. Judge Settle married (as the genealogical diagram shows) Mary, daughter of Tyre Glenn, and has many children to inherit his genial disposition and many kind qualities.

        David Settle Reid is a native of this County the son of Reuben Reid; born April 13th, 1813. He was educated in the schools of the County and studied law. But he was more distinguished as a faithful and frank statesman than as a lawyer. Bold and intrepid, he often led where the timid doubt, and when success had followed his efforts all conceded the sagacity and justice of his plans. His first appearance in public life was in 1835, as Senator from Rockingham County. Such was the wisdom of his course, that he was continuously re-elected by the people until 1840. He was then elected a member of the 28th Congress (1843-45), and re-elected to the 29th Congress (1845-47). In 1848 he was nominated for Governor by the Democratic State Convention, without his knowledge or consent. The opposition had triumphed and was jubilant over victory won in a hundred fields, and defeat seemed to be the certain prospect of the Democrats. The opposition was well-organized and their leader Charles Manly, able, genial and popular.

        But Mr. Reid felt it to be his duty to attempt what his friends felt certain he could accomplish. He did make a gallant canvass, and so reduced the majority, that their leaders felt and knew, as the English at Guilford, that "such another victory would ruin them." At the next convention, although he had written a decided letter that under no circumstances could he be again a candidate, he
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