The Civil War in North Carolina

Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians

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grandson of John Patton, a gallant officer of the Revolution, major of 2d Regiment of the N. C. Line in the Continental Army, and was engaged in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. He was born in Washington, Beaufort County, N. C., and educated in New Berne. From the situation of his family, for he was early an orphan, he left school before his education was complete, and went into a store as a clerk. He moved in 1802 to New York, and engaged in mercantile pursuits with John Jacob Astor, and as his confidential clerk traveled extensively over the world. His reports in Congress, especially on commerce and navigation, were models of research and logic, and were republished in England. He died at West Neck, New York, on 30th April, 1862. (See "Demo. Review," VII, No. 14--"Lanman's Biographical Annals.")

        George E. B. Singletary.--On the 5th June, 1862, in a skirmish which ensued across Tranter's Creek, near Washington, in this county, between the 44th North Carolina and a heavy force of Union troops, fell the gallant commander of the North Carolina troops, Colonel Singletary.

        Colonel Singletary was an experienced and gallant officer, and had seen some service in the war with Mexico.

        Colonel S. was the oldest son of an Episcopal clergyman, and much esteemed for his legal acquirements and his genial social temper.

        He had married Cora, eldest daughter of Governor Manly.

        He was succeeded by his younger brother in command of the regiment.

        Captain John Julius Guthrie who was drowned near Nag's Head in November, 1877, while endeavoring to succor the passengers and crew of the U. S. Steamship "Huron," was a native of the town of Washington, the son of Dr. John W. Guthrie and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Captain William McDaniel.

        Captain Guthrie was no ordinary man, and well deserves remembrance for his virtues in private life, and his heoric gallantry. His education was conducted by Rev. Dr. Wm. McPheeters at Raleigh, and in 1833 he was appointed a cadet at West Point; but prefering the adventurous life of a sailor, after one year's probation at West Point, his friends procured in 1834 a midshipman's warrant in the Navy. He served with great acceptability at home and abroad, especially in the war with Mexico, and in the Anglo-French war in China; when our flag was insulted, displayed great gallantry and captured Barrier Forts, hauling down the China flag, which trophy he presented to the State, and for which he received the thanks of the Legislature.

        The following is a copy of the letter of the Governor, and of the resolutions of the Legislature:

[Communicated to the National Intelligencer.].


Raleigh,Aug. 23, 1859.

        SIR: I have this day received from Capt. A. J. Lawrence a Chinese flag, taken by you in an assault upon the barrier forts in the Canton river in November, 1856, by the forces of the United States ships "San Jacinto," "Portsmouth," and "Levant," as a present in your name to the State of North Carolina.

        Having been apprised of your desire to make this disposition of the flag, the last General Assembly, by resolutions, authorized me to receive it from you in behalf of the State, and at the same time to express to you the high appreciation of that body of your gallantry on the occasion referred to, and of this evidence of your veneration for the State of your birth.

        Believing that I cannot discharge this pleasing duty in a more acceptable manner than by transmitting these highly complimentary resolutions, I herewith enclose a copy of them as transcribed from the statute book.

        These resolutions, I am well assured, are
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