First Families
Forsyth County
Cherokee County, Georgia, was created from ceded land of the Cherokee Indians on December 21, 1830. On December 3, 1832, Cherokee County was divided into ten counties: Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union, Cobb, Cherokee, Gilmer, Cass [now Bartow], Murray, Floyd, and Paulding.
The earliest census we have for the area is the 1840 Cherokee County Census. From this census we find 869 families with approximately 400 different surnames represented.
Adams, Allford, Allums, Anderson, Anglin, Arant, Askee, Atchinson, Atkinson, Attaway, Austin, Baggs, Bailey, Baker, Bales, Bankston, Bankstone, Barber, Barett, Barhus, Barrington, Baxler, Beadles, Beevers, Bell, Bellas, Benton, Berry, Bigby, Bingham, Biryant, Black, Blake, Bledsoe, Bollard, Boman, Bonds, Boon, Booth, Bowin, Boyt, Bradly, Brady, Bridges, Brock, Brooks, Brown, Bullard, Burgess, Burts, Butrell, Butter, Caldwell, Campbell, Caritton, Carmichael, Carson, Carter, Carwell, Caw, Chapman, Charader, Cheek, Chest, Chestnutt, Childs, Ciche, Clanahan, Clayhorn, Cleghorn, Climens, Cockeral, Coker, Coldwell, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Coniers, Connors, Cook, Cooper, Corley, Cotten, Covington, Cowden, Crain, Cravan, Crolpin, Cuddlestone, Culfspee, Cupp, Curry, Curttan, Curtton, Daniel, Danile, Davis, Day, Dean, Delt, Denis, Dickson, Dinon, Dopiter, Dougherty, Duke, Dukes, Dunahoo, Dunkion, Dunn, Durden, Durr, Dusk, Dyer, Dyne, Eason, Easterling, Eastwood, Echles, Echols, Edmunson, Edwards, Emery, Endsly, Espey, Eubank, Evans, Fallooney, Farlin, Farr, Ferry, Fielding, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flemming, Fomby, Franklin, Freeman, Freemon, Fulsner, Furlow, Garley, Garner, Garrison, Gay, Gelluces, George, Goode, Gorden, Gormon, Gresham, Griffin, Gushery, Guthery, Hagan, Hall, Hamilton, Hamon, Haney, Hanley, Hanson, Hany, Haridy, Harkins, Harp, Harper, Harris, Harriss, Hasp, Hawk, Hawkins, Hayes / Haynes, Heard, Hearn, Hearnes, Heath, Helton, Henderson, Hendrick, Henery, Herdspott, Herring, Hersey, Hicks, Highfield, Hill, Hilley, Hinton, Hobs, Holland, Holmes, Holton, Hood, Hooper, House, Houstain, Howell, Huchely, Hudson, Huggins, Hughey, Hughs, Hunt, Huston, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Ingram, Ivey, Jackson, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jourdan, Keller, Kelley, Kendrik / Kenricks, Kilgore, King, Kinnon, Kirklin, Kirkpatrick, Kite, Knor, Kuman, Kunam, Lattimer, Laurenstine, Lee, Levens, Linch, Liptoyett, Lott, Luck, Luker, Lyle / Lyles, Macklin, Maddin, Maloy, Maney, Martin, Matthews, Mayo, McBride, McClendon, McClure, McCombs, McDonald, McDowell, McKnight, McSwain, McWhorter, Menefee, Merriweather, MiehLe, Miller, Mimms, Minick, Mitchel, Mize, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Moseley, Murphy, Murry, Naron, Neal, Nelson, Newell, Newman, Newmin, Newton, Nichols, Nickols, Nickson, North, Nutt, Oats, Orr, Osburn, Paddis, Pail, Palaway, Palmer, Parks, Pasture, Pate, Pattecark, Pay, Paylon, Pellay, Penacony, Penn, Perland, Perrell, Perry, Persins, Phillips, Pigeon, Pike, Pinkard, Pirades, Pithington, Poss, Post, Powell, Pray, Price, Prushett, Puckett, Pulley, Putnam, Ragsdale, Rains, Randall, Ransom, Redwine, Reese, Reynolds, Rice, Roberts, Robertson, Rollins, Ross, Rous, Rummel, Sallertine, Sallisbury, Sampler, Scott, Seegall, Shaddin, Shane, Shaur, Shelbey, Shipp, Simms, Sims, Skipper, Slaughter, Smedley, Smith, Snider, Spearman, Spears, Spellings, Spragging, Sprattin, Stamps, Standham, Stayton, Stephens, Sterrin, Stevens, Stewart, Stokes, Story, Stringer, Stroud, Sullivan, Summerlin, Talley, Taylor, Terrell, Thomas, Tidwell, Tindall, Todd, Toombs, Tredwell, Truwell, Turner, Underwood, Uptain, Urguhurd, Vaneguard, Varner, Vickers, Vines, Vowell, Wagner, Walden, Waldroop, Walker, Walters, Walthall, Ward, Wates, Watson, Wear, Weaver, Welch, Wellorton, West, Wester, Whatley, Whithington, Whitraker, Whitten, Whitton, Wholly, Wiatt, Wigley, Wilborn, Wilder, Wilkins, Willcover, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Wilson, Winger, Wise, Wittuk, Wokefield, Wollum, Womack, Wood, Wooten, Wotton, Wren, Wright, York
We are looking for someone to help publish their story.
The 1840 Census of Cherokee County, GA