First Families
Coweta County
The only white man living in Coweta County that was still living in 1880 according to Anderson's history was Aquilla Hardy who was born in 1795. He is listed on the 1830 Census as "Haridy." Certainly there were many others in the area. Christopher B. Brown, born in 1800, is listed as a surveyor who settled on his land in 1826.
In 1827 the town of Bullsborough was settled two and one-half miles north-east of Newnan, on the Fayetteville road. An election was held resulting in the election of James Hicks, John Guddice, John Underwood, Nicholas Dwyer and Cabel Fields, as Judges of the Inferior Court; Benjamin Easley, Sheriff; John S Beavers, Clerk Superior Court; J Pollard, Clerk of the Inferior Court; John Fleming, R T Returns, Josephus Echols, Tax Collectors; Charles Cleghorn, County Surveyor.
At the election on the first Monday in October, for members of the Legislature, James Hicks was elected Senator; George Pentecost, Representative. The first Superior Court was also held in 1827 Coweta at Bullsborough: Walter T Colquitt, Judge; Samuel A Baily, Solicitor-General.
The first Grand Jury was:
1. Isaac Gray, Foreman. |
2. | Eli Nason. |
| 11. | Moses Kelly, |
3. | James Calwell. |
| 12. | Lewis Pantill, |
4. | Samuel Walker. |
| 13. | Robert O. Beavers, |
5. | Anthony North. |
| 14. | Elijah Hammond, |
6. | Edward Secour. |
| 15. | John Colwell, |
7. | Thomas Dyer. |
| 16. | S. Green, |
8. | Edward Reeves. |
| 17. | John Kezer, |
9. | Daniel Wester. |
| 18. | Miles Wood, |
10. | Nathaniel Nichols. |
| 19. | Daniel Hull. |