The NEWRoster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia

A project was begun in the early 1900's by Mrs. Lillian Henderson to compile Civil War Rosters on the units formed in Georgia. In all 6 volumes were produced, the latest ca. 1950. These volumes covered the Infantry regiments numbered 1-66.
This set has been out of print for several years, but is now available on CD-ROM for $35.00.
Purvis, Daniel- private March 4, 1862. Wounded in leg at 2d Manassas, Va. August 28, 1862. Pension records show he left command at Petersburg, Va. on 30 days' furlough February 1865. Could not reach command before close of war. (Born in Ga. January 27, 1841. Died in Irwin County, Ga. in 1920.)

Our NEW roster includes much information not found in the originals:
  • More than 3 times the volumes of the original - each with approximately 500 pages containing the records of 5,000 men.
  • Index to the names not included in the original
  • A brief history of each unit
  • List of Battles
  • Bibliography of Sources
  • Additional genealogical and biographical information of many of the soldiers including photographs
  • Records of the Cavalry, Artillery, and State Troops not included in Henderson's Roster

  • Available Volumes

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