Washington |
1st Lieutenant, Phil SKILLMAN, Co. G; 3rd Minnesota infantry. 2nd
lieutenant Co. A, 113 U.S.C.T.
2nd Lieutenant, Philip HILTZ, Co. C, 16 Ill., cavalry.
1st Sergeant, Henry R. HILL, Co. M, 1st Regiment Minn. mtd. rangers. Co.
B, 137 Ill. infantry.
2nd Seargeant, Hiram F. YOUNG, Co. B, 3rd Mich. cavalry.
3rd Seargeant, H. L. WILEY, Co. I, 13th Iowa infantry.
4th Seargeant, E. D. COTTER, Co. E, 11 Pa. cavalry. Co. A. 13 N.Y.,
5th Seargeant, Delano MYERS, Co. G, 33 Iowa infantry.
1st Corporal, Chas. S. WILCOX, Co. F. 17th Illinois infantry. 12th
Illinois cavalry.
2nd Corporal, Thos. FINNEY, Co. E. 7th Michigan cavalry.
3rd Corporal, H. S. COULSON, Co. K, 77th Illinois infantry.
4th Corporal, Geo. FORBES, Co. H, 20th Illinois infantry.
5th Corporal, Geo. H. Burntrager, Co. C. 51st Illinois infantry.
6th Corporal, Chas. DWYER, Co. A, _1st Ohio L. artillery.
7th Corporal, John WYLIE, Co. F, 80th Illinois infantry.
8th Corporal, Wm. MACKAY, Co. C. 5th Illinois cavalry.
Surgeon, R. KINCAID, Act. Ast. Surgeon U. S. volunteers.
Chaplain, Stephen D. SMITH, 33 and 24 Michigan infantry.
ALDRIDGE, John, Co. H. 9th Kansas cavalry.
ABERNETHY, W. J., Co. D, 21st Iowa vol. infantry.
BIRD, R. C., Co. A, 73rd Illinois vol. infantry.
BRITTO, Lorin W., Co. H, 17th Conn. vol. infantry.
BOLTON, Chas. M., 2nd lieutenant, Eng. C'ps, C.S.A.
BROYLES, Elijah, Co. A, 18th U, S. Reg. infantry.
BUCKER, Jos. W., Sergeant Co. A, 7th Michigan infantry.
BEAT, Anton, Co. K. 26th Wisconsin vol. infantry.
BODE, Phillipp, Co. P, 18th Wis. vol. infantry.
BROWER, B. R., Co. E, 43rd Mo. vol. infantry.
BRAINARD, G.. Co. A, 124th Ohio vol. infantry.
BADGER, Henry, E., Co. B, 96th Ohio vol. infantry.
BROWN, Jacob L., Co. H, 9th Ky., C.S.A.
CLEVELAND, Geo. W., Co. G, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery.
CASTER, Jas. M., Co. A., 26th Ind. vol. infantry.
CRANDALL, R. B., Co. F, 23rd Wis. vol. infantry.
COVERT, D. S., Co. I, 16th Ill. and Co. H, 169th Ill. infantry.
CRUIKSHANK, A., Co. H, 16th N. Y. infantry.
CANON, J. F. Co. H, 6th Wis. infantry.--Buffalo Co. Sharpshooters.
COWLES, A. B., musician 2nd Minn. vol. infantry.
CLIFFORD, Grove, Co. L, 1st Ohio heavy artillery.
CARPENTER, F. M., Co. E, 90th N. Y. infantry.
DOBBINS, J. S., Co. --, 142 Ills. vol. infantry.
DALTON, A. J., Co. I, 111th N. Y. vol. infantry.
DELCATOUR, John, Co. G, 4th Infantry Regulars; Co. C, 1st Oregon cavalry;
Co. D, 1st Oregon infantry.
ENDICOTT, John R., Co. A, 18th Reg. infantry.
ELSWICK, J. O. S., Co. D, 1st Indiana artillery.
FITCH, A. P., Co. K, 11th Iowa infantry.
FORESTER, Julius, Co. --, 2nd Col. cavalry.
FOSTER, J. E., Co. D, 86th Ind. vol. infantry.
FOWLER, L. P., Co. I, 4th Maine vol. infantry.
GLEANHAM, John E., Gunboat Vicksburg U. S. N.
GIFFORD, Elisha, Co. G, 71st Ind. vol. infantry.
GEORGE, Orville, Co. C. 10th Iowa vol. infantry.
GILES, Milton, Co. A, 13th Ills. vol. infantry.
HUGGINS, G. E., Co. C, 1st Vt. cavalry.
HUGGETT, Chas., Co. A, 6th Michigan Heavy artillery.
HARLOW, Mo. state militia.
HAEGER, Frederick, Co. B, 5th Michigan vol. infantry.
HOPKINS, F., Co. E. 33 Mo. vol. infantry.--D, 11th Mo. vol. infantry.
JENNINGS, S. M., Co., G, 11th Mo. vol. infantry.
JONES, P. E., Co. G, 39 Wis. vol. infantry.
LANE, Geo. B., Co. E, 15th New Hampshire infantry.
LEONARD, Wm., Co. E, 42nd Ill. vol. infantry.
LOWE, John, Co. C, 92nd Ohio vol. infantry.
LATHROP, Marvin, Co. B, 3rd Vt. vol. infantry.
LINCOLN, David, Co. F, 69th Ohio vol. infantry.
LEAK, A. D., Co.H, 34th Ohio vol. infantry.
LEHMAN, Fred, Regular army.
McKENNY, T. I., Co. B, 2nd Iowa vol. infantry.
McSORLEY, John, Co. E, 10th N. J. vol. infantry.
McCROSKY, co. B, 102 N. Y. vol. infantry.
MILLS, Geo. W., 2nd lieut. Co. G, 11th Mo. cavalry.
McCRAY, Henry H., Co. H, 10th Ind. vol. infantry.
MATSEN, Oliver, Frigate Colorado, U. S. N.
McNAIR, Rob't. A., Co. D, 11th Pa. Res.
MORRELL, David B., Co. K, 48th N. Y. vol. infantry.
McMICKEN, Wm., Capt. Co. B. 10th Minn. infantry.
MILES, Wm., 3d Iowa Independent Battery.
NEWSUM, Jos. M., Co. I, 66th Ills. vol. infantry.
PATTERSON, W. A., Co. A, 6th Iowa cavalry.
PAYNE, Elias J., acting aid to Gen. HOVEY, Evansville Rifles, Indiana.
PATTON, John M., Co. A, Marion county, Mo. vol. infantry.
PHILLY, A. G., Co. I, 4th Iowa cavalry.
PARROTT, Henry J., Co. E, 36th vol. infantry.
RUMSEY, Myron H., Co. G, 13th N. Y. vol. infantry.
RAYL, John, Co. D, 101 Ind. vol. infantry.
ROBERTS, W. H., Co. K, 2nd Cal. vol. infantry.
ROLL, Francis, Co. E. 5th Pa. vol. cavalry.
RANDALL, Elias, Co. H, 160th N. Y. vol. infantry.
SAVIDGE, Geo., Capt: Co. C, 11th N. J. vol. infantry.
SYPHER, David, U. S. Navy
STILLWELL, John, A., Co. D, 5th Iowa cavalry.
SAPP, W. L., Commissary Sergeant Co. B, 6th West Virginia vol. infantry,
SMITH, Stephen D., 32nd and 24th Mich. infantry.
SABIN, Henry, Co. A, 1st Wn. Ter. vol. infantry.
SHIELDS, Mathew, Co. A, 69th N. Y. S. M.
SHOECRAFT, Ross P., Co. A, 13th N. Y. vol. infantry.
SMYTH, J. W., 1st Lieutenant Co. D, 10th N. J. vol.
STEVENS, E. H., Co. H, 3d U. S. cavalry.
SARGENT, Samuel J. Capt. Co. I, 8th Wis. infantry.
TAYLOR, Franklin, Co. D, 43rd Ohio V. V. infantry.
VINCENT, Jas. K., Co. C, 1st U. S. vol. regiment.
WORK, W. W., Co. E, 37th Ill. vet. vol. infantry.
WALSH, John, Co. A, 1st Mo. Eng. vol. infantry.
WARD, S. C., Co. H, 33d Iowa infantry.
WEUGER, John, 20th Ohio Battery.
WARD, Gilbert, M., Co. K, 9th Vermont volunteer infantry.
WHITAKER, L. C., Co. I, 4th Indiana volunteer infantry, Mexican war.
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