The Texas 16th Infantry Regiment was organized by Colonel G. Flournoy during the summer of 1862. Many of its members were from Belton and Austin, and Washington and Upshur counties. The unit was assigned to Flournoy's, Waterhouse's, and Scurry's Brigade in the Trans-Mississippi Department. It fought in Louisiana and Arkansas, and lost 2 killed and 5 wounded at Milliken’s Bend, had 3 officers and 30 men captured during Banks' Red River Campaign, and was active at Jenkins’ Ferry. Later it moved to Hempstead and disbanded prior to the surrender in June, 1865.
Colonel, George Flournoy
Lieut.-Col., James E. Shepard
Major, W.H. Redwood
Surgeon, U.G.M. Walker
Asst. Surgeon, I.W.Cocke
Quartermaster, A.F. Flowers
Commissary, A.C. McNeely
Adjutant, R.L. Upshaw ASSIGNMENTS:
Department of Texas January - February 1862
Eastern District of Texas, Department of Texas February - May 1862.
Eastern District of Texas, Trans Mississippi Department May - August 1862.
Flournoys Brigade,Nelsons- McCulloch's Division, 2nd Corps, Trans Mississippi Department. September - January 1863.
Flournoys Brigade, McCulloch's - Walkers Division, District of Arkansas, Trans Mississippi Department. February - March 1863
McCulloch's- Flournoys- Scurry's Brigade, Walkers Texas Division.District of Western louisianna, Trans Mississippi Department. May 1863 - April 1864.
Scurry's- Waterhouse's Brigade, Walkers division, District of Arkansas,Trans Mississippi Department. April - May 1864
Waterhouse's Brigade , Walkers Division, District of Western louisianna,Trans Mississippi Department, May - September 1864.
2nd ( Waterhouse's ) Texas Brigade, 1st ( Forneys ) Texas Division, 1st Corps, Trans Mississippi Department. September 1864 - May 1865.
Round Hill, on Cache River. 07 July 1862
Millikens Bend 07 June 1863
Red River Campaign March - May 1864
Camden Expedition March - May 1864
Mansfield 08 April 1864
Pleasant Hill 09 April 1864
Jenkins Ferry 30 April 1864
The roster of this regiment contains the names of 1650 men.
Bibliography for Research: