The Texas 32nd Cavalry Regiment [also called 15th Regiment] was organized in May, 1862, using the 1st Texas Cavalry Battalion as its nucleus. Many of it members were from Bowie, Marion, and Cass counties. The unit was soon dismounted and ordered east of the Mississippi River. After taking part in the Battle of Richmond , it was assigned to Ector's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. It participated in the campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Nashville, then aided in the defense of Mobile. This regiment lost fourteen percent of the 313 engaged at Murfreesboro and reported 2 casualties at New Hope Church, 12 at Latimar House, 15 at Smyrna, and 10 at Atlanta. Few surrendered on May 4, 1865.
Colonel Julius A. Andrews, Lieutenant Colonel James A. Weaver, and Major William E. Estes.
ASSIGNMENTS:BATTLES:ROSTERS:Bibliography for Research:
Brock, R. A. The Appomattox Roster. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 1998. Originally published as Volume 15 of the Southern Historical Society Papers in 1887 by The Society, Richmond, VA. This book contains 56,000 names of men who surrendered at Appomattox. It shows the mans unit of service and some additional notes.
Crute, Joseph Units of the Confederate States Army Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987. Concise summary of the units service.
Hatch, Orin M.Confederate Military History Vol. 7 - Texas Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. First Printed 1899. Atlanta. E484C65.1987v12. Contains numerous, scattered references to Texas units.
Historical Sketch And Roster - Texas Volumes Rigdon, John C. 60 Volumes Available Click for Individual Volumes SET HARDBACK - $3240.00 SET PAPERBACK - $2000.00 SET DVD - $930.00