Historical Notes:
The only record of this organization is a list of field officers and captains dated August 15, 1861, which was forwarded to Secretary of War J. P. Benjamin at Richmond, Virginia, requesting that the organization be incorporated into the regular Army, C.S.A. It requested that commissions be issued as soon as practicable, as the regiment wished to go to Camp of Instruction. A letter from the Secretary of War to Lieutenant Colonel A. J. D. Thurston, dated September 12, 1861 stated that his regiment had been accepted. It does not appear that the regiment ever perfected its organization, as some of its officers are found in other organizations. No muster rolls were found, and the regiment is not accounted for in the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office Roster of Commissioned Officers on file in the Confederate Archives.
The list bore a notation that the names of the captains for Companies "I" and "K" had been mislaid.
Later there was a Captain J. G. Anglade who commanded a battery of artillery; a Captain Jonathan Eatherly of Company F", 28th Tennessee Infantry Regiment; a William S. Flippen who was a private in Captain Winston's Company, Tennessee Lght Artillery; a J. W. Foster who was a captain in the 49th Tennessee Infantry Regiment; a Robert Murphey who was a private in Company "A", 36th Tennessee Infantry; a William Polk who was a Major in 3rd (Clack's) Tennessee Infantry Regiment, and a James E. (not B.) Scobey who was captain of Company "F", 55th (McKoin's) Tennessee Infantry.
Colonel-J. G. Anglade
Lieutenant Colonel-A. J. D. Thurston
Major-William S. Flippen Rosters:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 11 men.