Battles - TN - Sep - 1862

31 records found

Big Creek Gap ~ Sept. 4, 1862

Big Creek Gap ~ Sept. 10, 1862

Britton's Lane ~ Sept. 1, 1862

Clarksville ~ Sept. 5-10, 1862

Columbia ~ Sept. 9, 1862

Cumberland Gap ~ Sept. 17, 1862

Davis' Bridge ~ Sept. 25, 1862

Denmark ~ Sept.1, 1862

New Providence ~ Sept. 6, 1862

Pine Mountain ~ Sept. 8. 1862

Pocahontas ~ Sept. 25, 1862

Riggin's Hill ~ Sept. 7. 1862

Rogers' Gap ~ Sept. 10, 1862

Wolf Creek Bridge ~ Sept. 23, 1862

Burnt Bridge ~ Sept 5, 1862

Clarkville ~ Sept 7, 1862

Columbia ~ Sept 9-10, 1862

Cumberland Gap evacuated by Union Troups ~ Sept 17, 1862

Gallatin Road ~ Sept 6, 1862

Goodlettville ~ Sept 30, 1862

Memphis ~ Sept 2, 1862

New Providence ~ Sept 6, 1862

Pine Mountain Gap ~ Sept 7, 1862

Pocahontas ~ Sept 26, 1862

Randolph, burning of ~ Sept 25, 1862

Riggin's Hill ~ Sept 7, 1862

Van Buren ~ Sept 21, 1862

Wolf Creek Bridge ~ Sept 23, 1862

Brentwood, at and near ~ Sept 19-20, Dec 9, 1862

Davis' Bridge, Hatchie River ~ Sept 25, Oct 1, 1862

Hatchie River, Davis Bridge ~ Sept 25, Oct 1, 1862

For Additional Research