Battles - TN - Jun - 1862

29 records found

Battle Creek ~ June 21, 1862

Big Creek Gap ~ June 11-15, 1862

Chattanooga ~ June 7-8, 1862

Cumberland Gap ~ June 18, 1862

Fort Pillow Evacuation ~ June 4, 1862

Germantown ~ June 25, 1862

Jasper ~ June 4, 1862

Memphis ~ June 6. 1862

Rankin's Ferry ~ June 21, 1862

Readyville ~ June 7, 1862

Rising Sun ~ June 30, 1862

Rogers' Gap ~ June 10, 1862

Sweeden's Cove ~ June 4, 1862

Chattanooga, attack on ~ June 7-8, 1862

Fort Pillow ~ June 3-5, 1862

Jackson ~ June 7, 1862

Jasper, Rankin's Ferry ~ June 21, 1862

Jasper, Sweeden's Cove ~ June 4, 1862

LaFayette Station ~ June 25, 1862

Memphis, Mississippi squadron, and rams U.S.N. ~ June 6, 1862

Powell's River ~ June 30, 1862

Rankin's Ferry ~ June 21, 1862

Readyville ~ June 7, 1862

Rising Sun ~ June 30, 1862

Rogers' and Wilson's Gaps ~ June 10, 1862

Sweeden's Cove, near Jasper ~ June 4, 1862

Wilson's Gap ( see Rogers Gap)* ~ June 10, 18, 1862

Sparta ~ June 28, Aug 5, 1862

Battle Creek ~ June 21, July 5, 1862

For Additional Research