Bibliography for Nebraska Civil War Research

Andreas, A. T., History of the State of Nebraska (Chicago, 1882), pp. 237-254, 256ff.

Danker, Donald F., "Nebraska's Part in the Civil War," Nebraska Farmer, August 21, 1954, p. 28 et seq.

------------ "Some Social Beginnings in Territorial Nebraska," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nebraska, 1955, pp. 175-195.

Historical Annual: National Guard of the State of Nebraska (Army and Navy Publishing Co., Baton Rouge, 1938), pp. xx-xxiv.

Military History of Nebraska, compiled by Federal Writers' Project (Lincoln, 1939), pp. 15-18; 21-31.

Morton, J. Sterling and Watkins, Albert, Illustrated History of Nebraska (Lincoln: Jacob North Co., 1903-1913), 3 vole., I, 460-462, 467-468; II, 168-172, 174-175, 177-181.

Nebraska State Adjutant General's Report 1870 (Des Moines 1871), pp. 1ff.

Olson, James C., History of Nebraska (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1955), pp. 140ff.

Sheldon, Addison E., Nebraska: The Land and the People (Chicago, 1931), 3 vols., I, 309-313

Shick, Charlotte Martha, "Nebraska's Military Participation in the Civil War," M.A. Thesis, University of Nebraska, 1927.

For Additional Research