Kansas Civil War Rosters - Research OnLine

Roster - Kansas 3rd Artillery Battery

Company - 166 records found

Acorn, James ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Addudell, J. F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Aduddell, John F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Allen, Marcus L. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Allen, Pleasant ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Amos, Presley ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Armstrong, Russell B. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Arnold, Perrine ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Atkinson, Josiah ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Babcock, Luke ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Barker, Jairus J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Bassett, Bradford S. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Baumgartner, Paul ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Beck, Lewis ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Beck, Samuel ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Berry, George ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Berry, John A. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Berry, Ward ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Birchfield, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Botkin, Charles D. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Boyles, Savellon ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Boyles, Sylvester ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Brew, Lewis J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Brewer, Lewis J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Brittingham, Jackson ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Brown, Joel ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Buck, Thomas J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Bunting, Luke ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Burchfield, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Burris, Richard A. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Burruss, Richard A. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Chaplin, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Chapman, John A. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Clinton, William M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Cole, Adam H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Cole, John W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Copeland, William M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Covington, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Covington, William J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Craig, James ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Crawford, William H. H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Crome, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Davis, William H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Dellback, Joshua ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Dotson, George W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Early, Hiram ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Edwards, Thomas H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Emmerson, Hugh ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Fahnestock, Orrin F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Farrell, Timoleon ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Fine, Thomas J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Frisbee, Julian ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Frisbie, Julian ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Fry, Henry ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Fry, Lewis ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Gaylor, James W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Gerding, Charles F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Gibb, John W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Gibbs, John W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Gilliam, Victoria ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Greve, Charles M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hackett, Benjamin F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hall, Robert ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Harris, Dionysus A. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Harris, Levinus ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Harris, Pembroke S. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hawkins, John J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hawkins, William C. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hendrix, John K. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hendry, John K. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hendryx, John K. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hensley, Larkin F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hicks, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hicks, Joseph ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hogan, William H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Holly, Charles H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Holman, Frederick ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Hopkins, Henry ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Ibbotson, Joseph ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

James, John D. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

James, Robert ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

James, Robert J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

James, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Jobson, George W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Johnson, Jasper ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Jones, David ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Karr, Frank R. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Keffer, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Kibber, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Kibler, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Kieffer, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Kiffer, John D. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Knodell, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Knodle, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Kuykendall, Perry C. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Ladden, Joseph C. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Lamb, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Ledden, Joseph ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Lee, William H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Lenden, Joseph ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Litle, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Little, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Lytle, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Mathews, Mark O. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Matthews, Mark O. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McClain, Lorenzo D. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McClain, Theophilus ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McConkey, George W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McKibben, Jonathan F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McKibben, Lemon F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McLane, Lorenz ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McMurtry, Thomas H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

McRibben, Lemen F. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Melrose, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Miller, Virgil M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Minor, Daniel L. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Nelson, Peter ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Painter, Washington ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Payne, Dorastus ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Payne, John T. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Pendegraft, William R. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Pendegrass, William R. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Pendergraft, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Pettigrew, John G. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Pierce, Charles A. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Ragsdale, Joseph D. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Read, Lafayette ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Reed, William W. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Rensialti, Louis ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Rice, John K. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Robertson, Jesse T. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Rodes, John D. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Sanders, Simon ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Sapp, John H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Sayre, Daniel ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Serle, John Q.C. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Shaw, Joseph ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Simington, George ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Skinner, Frederick ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Sloan, Abraham N. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Sloan, William J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Smith, Andrew J. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Smith, James ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Smith, William C. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Spaniard, William ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Staley, M. V. B. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Stanley, Peaker ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Stanley, Thomas ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Stapleford, Edward ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Stephens, Phineas ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Stevens, Phineas ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Sullivan, Dennis ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Tingler, Nelson ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Varnell, J.H. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Walker, Joseph ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Wallace, George ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Ward, Berry ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Wenke, Peter ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Williams, Jonathan M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Willsey, James M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Wilsey, James M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Wiltsey, James M. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Winke, Peter ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Wood, John ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Woods, George ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

Wyatt, James S. ~ Rank in . Rank out . notes

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