Faye's - Scales' Battalion, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers


On April 1, 1863, Col Watie was authorized to raise a Cherokee brigade. After the 2nd Regiment had been formed, steps were taken to enlist another unit. The first company (A) was probably organized on 3 June 63, but details about the other companies are missing. Consisted of 4 companies by December 1863. The battalion was apparently broken up and consolidated with the 1st and 2nd Regiments about 12 July 64.

A general reorganization of the Cherokee forces took place on Limestone Prairie, Choctaw Nation, after Watie had been promoted Brigadier General and the Cherokees on June 27, 1864, had declared their unanimous reenlistment for the war. On July 11, the Cherokee National Council passed a conscription act, which required that all able bodied free citizens between 17-45 report for duty before August 1.
Major Moses C. Faye (Frye) (prev Capt, 1st Co I, 1st Regiment); Joseph Absalom Scales, promoted Major 23 Apr 64 (from Capt, Co A), to Brigade AIG after Bn was disbanded. ROSTERS:

Company A. Joseph Absalom Scales (prev Adjt, 2nd Regt), to Major 23 Apr 64.
Company ?. Morgan (prev 1st Lt, Holt's Squadron ?), MW 18 Dec 63, Barren Fork, I. T.
Company ?. John Spears (prev Capt, 2nd Co H, 1st Regt)
