The Georgia 37th Infantry Regiment was organized during the spring of 1863 by consolidating the 3rd and 9th Georgia Infantry Battalions. Many of its members were from Murray, Jackson, Franklin, Elbert, and Hall counties. The unit was assigned to General Bate's, Tyler's, and J.A. Smith's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. It fought with the army from Chickamauga to Atlanta, endured Hood's winter campaign, and was active in North Carolina. The 37th lost fifty percent of the 391 engaged at Chickamauga and in December, 1863, totalled 416 men and 265 arms. Few surrendered on April 26, 1865.
Colonel A.F. Rudler; Lieutenant Colonel Joseph T. Smith; and Majors Jesse J. Bradford, Meredith Kendrick, and R.E. Wilson.
Company A –Murray County
Company B – Muscogee County
Company C – Upson County – Upson County Grays
Company D – Hart County - McMullan Guards
Company E – Clarke and Madison Counties
Company F – Franklin County – Franklin Rangers
Company G – Elbert County – Elbert County Guards
Company H – Columbia, Lincoln & Wilkes Counties – Georgia - Pettus Volunteers
Company I – Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, And Fulton Counties, Georgia
Company K - Muscogee County, Georgia - Lulu Guards