Private John A. Carrell
    (15 APR 1844 - 05 OCT 1864)
    Georgia 12th Battalion Light Artillery
    Company A
    Georgia 63rd Infantry Regiment
    Company A
    Army of Tennessee

      Military Record:

        Carroll, John A. (or Carrell)---- private in 1st Co. A, 12th Battn. Ga. Light Artillery April 10, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, 63d Regiment Ga. Inf. Wounded near Kennesaw Mountain, Ga. June 18, 1864. Sent to General Hospital, Savannah, Ga., September 4, 1863. Admitted to Ocmulgee Hospital, Macon, Ga., July 26, 1864, with gunshot wound producing compound fracture of right femur. Furloughed for 60 days August 6, 1864. Died from wounds at home Oct, 5, 1864. (Born April 15, 1844.)

        John is buried in the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church Cemetery, U.S Hwy. 78 - Harlem, GA.

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