Samuel Hammond
(SEP 21 1757 - SEP 11 1842)

inquired after Clarke's party, their numbers, &c., &c., and she gave them as little information as possible. They ordered her to prepare supper with despatch; and while she was so employed, she heard one of the Tory officers tell Ferguson that he had just been informed that the rebels under Clarke were to camp that night at the Green, or Cedar Springs. It was immediately resolved to attack them that night, and Mrs. Dillard's husband being with Clarke, she resolved to give them notice of it. As soon as she could set out the supper she slipped off to the stable, bridled a young horse, and, without a saddle, galloped off to apprise Clarke of his danger; under an impression that the enemy were too numerous to justify battle with them. She arrived just in time, for Dunlap had been sent forward by Ferguson, with orders to attack and detain us until he should come up with the remainder. Dunlap had advanced rapidly and charged soon after we had paraded and were ready for his reception. The lady returned home in safety and deserves well of her country. "The credit of giving this seasonable notice to the Americans has also been claimed for Mrs. Thomas, the heroic mother of Colonel J. Thomas, jun., and no doubt with reason - they both did it. With such patriotic matrons and with a peasantry




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