First Families of Edgefield District South Carolina
The 1790 Edgefield County Census
Dunkin / Durkin, Dunnaho / Dunnehoe,
Durham, Durst, Eady, Eatheridge, Edward / Edwards, Elam, Ellet, Ellis,
English, Essary, Etheridge / Ethiridge, Evans, Fairchild / Fairchilds,
Farley, Farmer, Farqeur, Farrah, Feast, Feeby, Fenley / Fenly, Ferril,
Fike, Fletcher, Flin, Flint, Fluker, Folk, Ford, Foreman, Forguson, Fortner,
Fountain, Fowler, Frairs, Fralick, Franklin, Frazer, Freeman, Freemore,
Frier, Fritz, Fudge, Fuller, GA???, Gabel, Gains, Gant, Gardner / Garner,
Garrett, Gause, Geivrey, Gennings, Gentrey, George, Geter, Getty, Gibson,
Gillon, Gist, Glanton, Glover, Goff, Golphin, Gomillion, Good / Goode,
Gooden, Gooof, Gorden, Gorman, Gosullian, Grant, Grauf, Gray / Grey, Green,
Grezzel, Gricer, Griffen / Griffin / Griffes, Grigsby / Grixby, Grubb,
Guin, Guist, Gunnals, H--vel, Hagans, Haguewood, Haile / Hall, Hall, Hambelton,
Hammond, Hampton, Handcock, Hanner, Harden, Hardy, Haregrave, Haris, Harkins,
Harkloes, Harnden, Harper, Harrey, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Harvey, Hatcher,
Haver, Haverlin, Hazel / Hazle, Henderson, Hendshaw, Henry, Hern, Herren / Herrin,
Hester, Heter, Hickman, Hicks, Hightower, Hill, Hillard, Hinton, Hit / Hitt,
Hitson, Hix, Hogg, Hoggwood, Hohmes, Holleway, Holley, Hollimon
REF: Rigdon, John C. The 1790 Edgefield County Census