3rd Regiment, Delaware Infantry


The Delaware 3rd Infantry Regiment was organized at Camden December 30, 1861, to May 15, 1862. The Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 46 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 80 Enlisted men by disease. Total 135. OFFICERS:

  • Ordered to Washington, D.C., May, 1862.
  • Attached to Slough's Brigade, Defenses of Washington, D.C., May, 1862.
  • Slough's 2nd Brigade, Sigel's Division, Dept. of the Shenandoah, to June, 1862.
  • 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to August, 1862.
  • 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862.
  • 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1862.
  • Defenses of Baltimore, Md., 8th Army Corps, Middle Dept., to January, 1863.
  • 3rd Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, to October, 1864.
  • 1st Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, to May, 1864.
  • 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1864.
  • 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Army Corps, to June, 1865.

    Defense of Harper's Ferry, W. Va., May 28-30, 1862.
  • Operations in the Shenandoah Valley till August.
  • Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9.
  • Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2.
  • Sulphur Springs August 23-24. Groveton August 29.
  • Bull Run August 30. Sulphur Springs August 30.
  • Chantilly September 1. Maryland Campaign September 6-22.
  • Battles of South Mountain September 14.
  • Antietam, Md., September 16-17.
  • Duty at Frederick, Md.; Relay House, Md., and Elysville, Md., guarding R. R., and garrison duty in Middle Dept. till May, 1864.
  • Ordered to Join Army of the Potomac in the field May, 1864.
  • Rapidan Campaign May 29-June 15.
  • Totopotomoy May 29-31.
  • Cold Harbor June 1-3.
  • Before Petersburg June 16-18.
  • Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865.
  • Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864 (Reserve).
  • Weldon R. R. August 18-21.
  • Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2.
  • Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28.
  • Warren's Raid on Weldon R. R. December 7-12.
  • Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865.
  • Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9.
  • Lewis Farm, near Gravelly Run, March 29.
  • Boydton and White Oak Roads March 30-31.
  • Five Forks April 1.
  • Fall of Petersburg April 2.
  • Pursuit of Lee April 3-9.
  • Appomattox Court House April 9.
  • Surrender of Lee and his army.
  • March to Washington, D.C., May 1-12.
  • Grand review May 23.
  • Mustered out June 3, 1865.
    The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 1719 men. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

    For Additional Research