Arkansas 1st (Fagan's-Monroe's) Cavalry Regiment

The Arkansas 1st (Fagan's-Monroe's) Cavalry Regiment [also called 6th and 1st Arkansas Trans-Mississippi Cavalry], organized by Colonel J. F. Fagan in May, 1861, contained men from Izard and Carroll counties. Attached to General Cabell's Brigade, it participated in the conflicts at Cane Hill , Prairie Grove, Fayetteville , and Marks' Mills where 13 were killed and 23 wounded. The regiment later skirmished in Arkansas and disbanded in May, 1865. OFFICERS:
Colonels James F. Fagan and J.C. Monroe, Lieutenant-Colonel A. V. Reiff, and Majors M. D. Davis and James M. O'Neil. ASSIGNMENTS:
  • McIntosh's Brigade in McCulloch's Division
  • Company A - Prairie county—Capt. Patrick H. Wheat.
  • Company B - Bradley county—Capt. James M. McNeill.
  • Company C - Hempstead county—Capt. George A. Davis.
  • Company D - Hempstead county—Capt. Americus V. Rieff.
  • Company E - Prairie county—Capt. W. E. Raulston.
  • Company F - Clark county—Capt. John W. Hanson.
  • Company G - Jefferson county—Capt. M. D. Davis.
  • Company H - Saline county—Capt. G. W. Brown.
  • Company I - Arkansas county—Capt. Young.
  • Company K - Columbia county—Capt. Isaac L. Adair.
  • Company L - Drew county—Capt. Columbus C. Wolfe.
    REFERENCES: REF: Crute - Units of the Confederate States Army
    Sifakis - Compendium of the Confederate Armies

    For Additional Research