ba000004 | Aberdeen, AR | July 5-6, 1862 |
ba000016 | Adams' Bluff, AR | July 4, 1862 |
bn000012 | Adam's Bluff*, AR | June 30, 1862 |
bn000022 | Alamo steamer attack Arkansas River, near Dardanelle, AR | Nov 29, 1864 |
ba000089 | Antoine, or Terre Noir Creek*, AR | Apr. 2. 1864 |
ba000106 | Arkadelphia, AR | Feb. 15, 1863 |
ba000107 | Arkadelphia, AR | March 29-Apr. 1, 1864 |
bn000113 | Arkadelphia*, AR | Mar 20, 29, 31, Apr 1, 1864 |
bn000112 | Arkadelphia, near *, AR | Feb 15, 1863 |
bn000103 | Arkansas Post, AR | Jan 10-11, 1863 |
ba000112 | Arkansas Post, AR | Jan. 10-11, 1863 |
bn000104 | Arkansas Post, or Fort Hindman, capture of, AR | Jan 4-17, 1864 |
ba000113 | Arkansas River, AR | Apr. 6-7, 1864 |
ba000114 | Arkansas River, AR | Aug. 17, 1864 |
bn000106 | Arkansas River (see Miller's steamer), AR | |
bn000105 | Arkansas River *, AR | Apr 6-7, 1864 |
bn000111 | Arkansas River, expedition down to Pine Bluff, AR | Dec 1, 1864 |
bn000107 | Arkansas River, north of, AR | May 13-31, 1864 |
bn000108 | Arkansas River, scout and skirmish, AR | Aug. 27-28, 1864 |
bn000146 | Ashley's and Jones' Station, near Devalls Bluff, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
ba000149 | Ashley's Mills, AR | Sept. 7, 1863 |
bn000147 | Ashley's Mills, or Ferry Landing*, AR | Sept 2, 7, 1863 |
ba000150 | Ashley's Station, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
ba000188 | Augusta, AR | Apr. 1, 1864 |
bn000183 | Augusta, Fitzhugh's Woods, AR | Apr 1, 1864 |
bn000018 | Augusta, near *, AR | Aug. 10, 1864 |
bn000182 | Augusta, near *, AR | Aug. 10, 1864 |
ba000190 | Austin, AR | Aug. 31, 1863 |
bn000196 | Backbone Mountain, or Devil's Backbone, AR | Sept 1, 1863 |
ba000207 | Bailey's, AR | Jan. 21, 1864 |
bn000204 | Bailey's on Crooked Creek, AR | Jan 23, 1864 |
ba000215 | Baker Springs, AR | Jan. 24, 1864 |
bn000209 | Baker's Springs*, AR | Jan 21, 1864 |
bn000210 | Baker's Springs*, AR | Jan 25, 1864 |
ba000279 | Bates Township, AR | Nov. 2, 1863 |
bn000277 | Bates Township*, AR | Nov 2, 1863 |
ba000281 | Batesville, AR | July 14, 1862 |
ba000280 | Batesville, AR | May 3, 1862 |
ba000282 | Batesville, AR | Feb. 4, 1863 |
bn000278 | Batesville*, AR | May 3, July 14, 1862 |
bn000278 | Batesville*, AR | July 14, 1862 |
bn000279 | Batesville*, AR | Feb 4, 1863 |
bn000280 | Batesville, near Searcy Landing*, AR | Between Jan 29 and Feb 23, 1864 |
bn000281 | Batesville, scout from, to Fairview, Denmark, Hilchers Ferry, and Bush's Ford, AR | June 16-17, 1862 |
ba000318 | Bayou Cache, AR | July 6, 1862 |
bn000325 | Bayou Cache, AR | July 6, 1862 |
bn000335 | Bayou De View, AR | July 7, 1862 |
ba000325 | Bayou des Arc, AR | July 14, 1864 |
bn000334 | Bayou Des Arc, AR | July 14, 1864 |
ba000327 | Bayou Fourche, AR | Sept. 10, 1863 |
bn000337 | Bayou Fourche, AR | Sept 10, 1863 |
ba000336 | Bayou Meto, AR | Aug. 26, 1863 |
ba000337 | Bayou Meto, AR | Aug. 27, 1863 |
ba000338 | Bayou Meto, AR | Sept. 1, 1863 |
ba000339 | Bayou Meto, AR | Feb. 17, 1865 |
ba000340 | Bayou Meto, AR | Feb. 24, 1865 |
bn000353 | Bayou Meto (see Voche's Mrs), AR | |
ba000341 | Bayou Meto Bridge, AR | Sept. 23, 1863 |
bn000354 | Bayou Meto Bridge, near*, AR | Sept 23, 1863 |
bn000351 | Bayou Meto, (see Shallow Ford), AR | |
bn000352 | Bayou Meto, near and at*, AR | Feb 17, 24, 1863 |
bn000350 | Bayou Meto, near*, AR | Aug. 26, 1863 |
bn000355 | Bayou Meto, or Reeds Bridge, AR | Aug. 27, 1863 |
ba000355 | Bayou Two Prairies, AR | Aug. 25, 1863 |
bn000390 | Bealer's Ferry, Little Red River*, AR | June 6, 1862 |
ba000385 | Beattie's Prairie, AR | Oct. 22, 1862 |
bn000407 | Beatties Prairie (see Old Fort Wayne), AR | |
ba000386 | Beatty's Mill, AR | Sept. 1. 1864 |
bn000408 | Beattys Mill, near*, AR | Sept 1, 1864 |
ba000419 | Bennett's Bayou, AR | March 2, 1864 |
bn001636 | Bennett's Bayou*, AR | Mar 2, 1864 |
bn001638 | Bennett's Bayou, operations near, AR | Feb 16-18, 1865 |
ba000425 | Benton, AR | Dec. 1, 1863 |
ba000428 | Benton, AR | Aug. 18, 1864 |
ba000427 | Benton, AR | July 25, 1864 |
ba000426 | Benton, AR | July 6, 1864 |
bn001644 | Benton and Washington counties, expedition in, AR | Aug. 21-27, 1864 |
ba000430 | Benton County, AR | Oct. 20, 1864 |
bn001645 | Benton County*, AR | Oct 20, 1864 |
ba000432 | Benton Road, AR | July 19, 1864 |
ba000433 | Benton Road, AR | Jan. 22, 1865 |
bn001646 | Benton Road*, AR | Mar 24, 1865 |
bn001647 | Benton Road, near Little Rock*, AR | July 19, 1864 |
bn001648 | Benton Road, near Little Rock*, AR | Jan 22, 1865 |
ba000431 | Benton Road. Ark., AR | Mar 23-24, 1864 |
bn001298 | Benton, near and at*, AR | July 6, 25, Aug. 18, 1864 |
bn001651 | Benton, near*, AR | Dec 1, 1863 |
ba000436 | Bentonville, AR | Feb. 18, 1862 |
ba000437 | Bentonville, AR | Aug. 15, Sept. 4-5, 1863 |
ba000438 | Bentonville, AR | Jan. 1, 1865 |
bn001553 | Bentonville *, AR | May 22, Aug. 15, Sept 4-5, 1863 |
bn001658 | Bentonville*, AR | Jan 1, 1865 |
ba000500 | Big Creek, AR | July 26, 1864 |
bn001694 | Big Creek (see Wallace's Ferry), AR | |
ba000521 | Big Indian Creek, AR | May 27, 1862 |
bn001705 | Big Indian Creek*, AR | May 27, 1862 |
ba000522 | Big Lake, AR | Sept. 8-30, 1863 |
ba000577 | Black's Mill, AR | Feb. 17. 1864 |
bn001752 | Black's Mill*, AR | Feb 17, 1864 |
bn001799 | Blue Mountains, expedition to, AR | June 19, 1862 |
ba000660 | Boggs' Mills, AR | Jan. 24, 1865 |
bn001812 | Boggs' Mills*, AR | Jan 24, 1865 |
ba000705 | Boonesboro, AR | Nov. 28, 1862 |
ba000704 | Boonesboro, AR | Nov. 7, 1862 |
bn000624 | Boonsborough, AR | Nov 7, *, 28, 1862 |
bn001851 | Boston Mountain*, AR | Nov 9, 1862 |
bn001852 | Boston Mountain, or Cane Hill*, AR | Nov 28, 1862 |
ba000720 | Boston Mountains, AR | Nov. 9, 1862 |
bn001853 | Boston Mountains, White Spring*, AR | Jan 2, 1863 |
ba000751 | Branchville, AR | Jan. 19, 1864 |
ba000752 | Branchville, AR | March 27, 1864 |
ba000753 | Branchville, AR | May 27, 1864 |
bn001198 | Branchville*, AR | Jan 19, Mar 27, 1864 |
ba000789 | Brewer's Lane, AR | Sept. 11, 1864 |
bn001896 | Brewers Lane*, AR | Sept 11, 1864 |
bn001916 | Brookhaven*, AR | Mar 27, 1864 |
ba000819 | Brooks' Mill, AR | March 27. 1864 |
ba000834 | Brownsville, AR | Aug. 25, 1863 |
ba000833 | Brownsville, AR | July 25, 1863 |
ba000835 | Brownsville, AR | Sept. 14-16, 1863 |
ba000836 | Brownsville, AR | July 13, 1864 |
ba000837 | Brownsville, AR | July 30, 1864 |
ba000838 | Brownsville, AR | Sept. 4, 1864 |
bn001926 | Brownsville, AR | Sept 16,1862 |
bn001929 | Brownsville, expedition from, to Arkansas Post, AR | Dec 7-13, 1864 |
bn001336 | Brownsville, expedition from, to Fairview, AR | Nov 28 - Dec 8, 1864 |
bn001930 | Brownville (see Hay Station No 3), AR | |
bn000997 | Brownville, expedition from, to Cotton Plant, AR | Oct 26-Nov 2, 1864 |
bn001931 | Brownville, expedition from, to DesArc, AR | Dec 6, 1864 |
ba000873 | Buck Horn, AR | May 25, 1864 |
bn001951 | Buck Horn*, AR | May 25, 1864 |
ba000880 | Buckskull, AR | Nov. 20. 1864 |
bn001958 | Buckskull*, AR | Nov 20, 1864 |
ba000887 | Buffalo City, AR | March 2, 1864 |
bn001965 | Buffalo City, near*, AR | Mar 1, 1864 |
ba000893 | Buffalo Mountain, AR | Oct. 24-26, 1863 |
bn001968 | Buffalo Mountains*, AR | Oct 24, 1863 |
ba000894 | Buffalo River, AR | Dec. 25, 1863 |
bn001969 | Buffalo River*, AR | Dec 25, 1863 |
ba000902 | Bull Bayou, AR | Aug. 26, 1864 |
ba000901 | Bull Bayou, AR | Aug. 7, 1864 |
bn001975 | Bull Bayou*, AR | Aug. 7, 1864 |
ba000949 | Burrowsville, AR | Jan. 23, 1864 |
bn002002 | Burrowsville, near*, AR | June 23, 1864 |
bn002007 | Bush's Ford (see Batesville), AR | |
ba000952 | Bushy Creek, AR | Dec. 9, 1861 |
bn002023 | Cache River (see Cotton Plant), AR | |
ba000975 | Cache River Bridge, AR | May 28, 1862 |
bn002024 | Cache River Bridge*, AR | May 28, 1862 |
bn002025 | Cache River*, AR | July 7, 1862 |
ba000978 | Caddo Gap, AR | Nov. 11, 1863 |
ba000979 | Caddo Gap and Scott's Farm, AR | Feb. 12, 1864 |
bn002028 | Caddo Gap*, AR | Nov 11, 1863 |
bn001287 | Caddo Gap*, AR | Jan 26, feb, 12, 16, 1864 |
ba000980 | Caddo Mill, AR | Dec. 14, 1863 |
bn002029 | Caddo Mill*, AR | Dec 14, 1863 |
ba001003 | Calico Rock, AR | May 26, 1862 |
ba001012 | Camden, AR | March 23-May 3, 1864 |
bn001496 | Camden, at and near*, AR | Apr 15, 16-18, 20, 23, 24, 1864 |
bn001001 | Camden, expedtion, AR | Mar 23-May 3, 1864 |
bn001359 | Camden-Monticello, vicinity of, AR | Between Jan 26-31, 1865 |
ba001022 | Camp Babcock, AR | Nov. 25, 1862 |
ba001052 | Cane Hill, AR | Nov. 25, 1862 |
ba001053 | Cane Hill, AR | Nov. 28, 1862 |
ba001051 | Cane Hill, AR | Nov. 9, 1862 |
ba001054 | Cane Hill, AR | Dec. 20, 1862, and Jan. 2, 1863 |
ba001055 | Cane Hill, AR | Nov. 6, 1864 |
bn002073 | Cane Hill and Fayetteville, between, AR | Nov 9, 1862 |
bn002074 | Cane Hill*, AR | Jan 2, 1863 |
bn002075 | Cane Hill*, AR | Nov 6, 1864 |
bn002076 | Cane Hill, about, AR | Dec 4-6, 1862 |
bn000592 | Cane Hill, near*, AR | Nov 25, Dec 20, 1862 |
bn002077 | Cane Hill, or Boston Mountain, AR | Nov 28, 1862 |
ba001090 | Carrollton, AR | Jan. 10, 1863 |
ba001092 | Carrollton, AR | Aug. 15, 1864 |
ba001091 | Carrollton, AR | March 13, 1864 |
bn002105 | Carrollton*, AR | Jan 20, 1863 |
bn001138 | Carrollton*, AR | Mar 13, Aug. 15, 1864 |
ba001112 | Carthage, AR | Nov. 21, 1862 |
bn002121 | Cassville, Mo., expedition from to Fayetteville, AR | Aug. 23-28, 1864 |
ba001165 | Cedar Glade, AR | March 1, 1864 |
bn002145 | Cedar Glade*, AR | Mar 1, 1864 |
bn002155 | Celeste, steamer (see Commercial), AR | |
ba001195 | Chalk Bluff, AR | May 15, 1862 |
ba001197 | Chalk Bluff, AR | Apr. 1, 1863 |
ba001196 | Chalk Bluff, AR | March 10, 1863 |
ba001198 | Chalk Bluff, AR | May 1, 1863 |
ba001199 | Chalk Bluff, AR | May 11, 1865 |
bn002176 | Chalk Bluff *, AR | Apr 1, 1863 |
bn002177 | Chalk Bluff, St. Francis River *, AR | May 1-2 1864 |
bn002178 | Chalk Bluffs*, AR | May 15, 1862 |
ba001246 | Charlestown, AR | Apr. 4, 1864 |
bn002232 | Charlestown*, AR | Apr 4, 1864 |
ba001287 | Cherokee Bay, AR | May 8, 1864 |
bn002261 | Cherokee Bay*, AR | May 8, 1864 |
ba001334 | Cincinnati, AR | Nov. 6, 1864 |
bn002302 | Cincinnati, near*, AR | Nov 6, 1864 |
bn002311 | Clapper's Saw Mill, Crooked Creek*, AR | Mar 31, 1863 |
ba001341 | Clapper's Sawmill, AR | March 31, 1863 |
bn002312 | Clara Bell, attack on, in White River, AR | July 24, 1864 |
bn002314 | Clarendon, AR | Aug. 15, 1862 |
ba001345 | Clarendon, AR | Jan. - , 1863 |
ba001347 | Clarendon, AR | June 24, 1864 |
ba001348 | Clarendon, AR | June 26, 1864 |
ba001346 | Clarendon, AR | March 15, 1864 |
ba001349 | Clarendon, AR | Oct. 11, 1864 |
bn002315 | Clarendon (see Perry, J.D., steamer), AR | |
bn002316 | Clarendon (see Resolute Steamer, attack on), AR | |
ba001344 | Clarendon Expedition, AR | Aug. 4-17, 1862 |
bn001194 | Clarendon, at or near*, AR | Mar 15, June 26, 1864 |
bn002318 | Clarendon, expedition to Lawrenceville and St Charles, AR | Sept 11-13, 1862 |
bn002319 | Clarendon, naval, AR | June 24, 1864 |
bn002320 | Clarendon, near*, AR | Apr 1, 1863 |
ba001359 | Clarksville, AR | Nov. 8, 1863 |
ba001358 | Clarksville, AR | Oct. 28, 1863 |
ba001360 | Clarksville, AR | Apr. 3, 1864 |
ba001361 | Clarksville, AR | May 18, 1864 |
ba001363 | Clarksville, AR | Oct. 9, 1864 |
ba001362 | Clarksville, AR | Sept. 28, 1864 |
ba001364 | Clarksville, AR | Jan. 18, 1865 |
bn000876 | Clarksville*, AR | Oct 28, Nov 24, 1863 |
bn001524 | Clarksville*, AR | Apr 3, May 18, Sept 28, Oct 9, 1864 |
ba001372 | Clear Creek, AR | Jan. 22, 1864 |
ba001373 | Clear Creek, AR | Feb. 11, 1865 |
bn002336 | Clear Creek*, AR | June 22, 1864 |
bn002337 | Clear Creek*, AR | Feb 11, 1865 |
ba001382 | Clear Lake, AR | March 11, 1865 |
bn002384 | Coldwater, Miss., expedition from Helena, AR | July 23-25, 1862 |
ba001476 | Columbia, AR | June 2, 1864 |
bn002395 | Columbia (see Old River Lake), AR | |
bn002407 | Columbia, naval, AR | June 1-2, 1864 |
bn002436 | Commercial and Celeste, steamers attack on Gregory's Landing, White River, AR | Sept 4, 1864 |
ba001570 | Cotton Plant, AR | May 14, 1862 |
ba001571 | Cotton Plant, AR | Apr. 21, 1864 |
ba001572 | Cotton Plant, AR | Apr. 22, 1864 |
bn000701 | Cotton Plant or Hills Plantation, AR | May 14, *, July 7, 1862 |
bn002487 | Cotton Plant, Cache River, AR | Apr 21, 1864 |
bn002488 | Cotton Plant, near, AR | Apr 22, 1864 |
ba001582 | Cove Creek, AR | Nov. 8, 1862 |
bn002498 | Cove Creek*, AR | Nov 8, 1862 |
ba001616 | Crawford County, AR | Nov. 25, 1863 |
bn002524 | Crawford County*, AR | Nov 25, 1863 |
bn001152 | Crawford County*, AR | Aug. 11, Oct 19, 1864 |
ba001632 | Crooked Creek, AR | Feb. 5, 1864 |
bn001234 | Crooked Creek (see Bailey's), AR | Jan 23, Feb 5,*, 1864 |
ba001640 | Cross Hollow, AR | Oct. 18, 1862 |
ba001639 | Cross Hollow, AR | July , 1863 |
bn002541 | Cross Hollow*, AR | Oct 18, 1862 |
bn000720 | Cross Hollow, at and near*, AR | Mar 30, July --1863 |
ba001642 | Cross-Roads, AR | March 21, 1864 |
bn002548 | Cross-Roads, near*, AR | Mar 27, 1864 |
ba001647 | Crowley's Ridge, AR | May 11, 1863 |
bn002549 | Crowley's Ridge or Taylor's Creek*, AR | May 11, 1863 |
ba001699 | Cypress Bend, AR | Feb. 19, 1863 |
bn002591 | Cypress Bend*, AR | Feb 19, 1863 |
ba001703 | Cypress Creek, AR | Dec. 1, 1864 |
ba001702 | Cypress Creek, AR | May 13, 1864 |
bn001106 | Cypress Creek, near Perry County*, AR | May 13, Dec 1, 1864 |
ba001712 | Dallas, AR | Jan. 28, 1864 |
bn002601 | Dallas *, AR | Jan 28, 1864 |
ba001739 | Danville, AR | March 28, 1864 |
bn002622 | Danville*, AR | Mar 28, 1864 |
bn002626 | Daranelle, attack on steamer Alamo, near, AR | Nov 29, 1864 |
ba001751 | Dardanelle, AR | Sept. 9, 1863 |
ba001755 | Dardanelle, AR | Aug. 30 1864 |
ba001752 | Dardanelle, AR | Jan. 14, 1864 |
ba001753 | Dardanelle, AR | May 10, 1864 |
ba001754 | Dardanelle, AR | May 17, 1864 |
ba001756 | Dardanelle, AR | Nov. 29, 1864 |
bn002631 | Dardanelle, AR | Jan 14, 1865 |
bn002633 | Dardanelle*, AR | Sept 12, 1863 |
bn001321 | Dardanelle, at and near*, AR | May 10, 15, Aug. 30, 1864 |
bn002634 | Dardanelle, capture of, AR | May 17, 1864 |
bn002692 | Denmark (see Batesville), AR | |
ba001832 | Des Arc, AR | Jan. 17, 1863 |
ba001833 | Des Arc, AR | July 26, 1864 |
ba001836 | Devall's Bluff, AR | July 6, 1862 |
ba001838 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Dec. 1, 1863 |
ba001839 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Dec. 12. 1863 |
ba001837 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Jan. 17, 1863 |
ba001841 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
ba001843 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Dec. 13, 1864 |
ba001840 | Devall's Bluff, AR | May 22, 1864 |
ba001842 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Nov. 2, 1864 |
ba001844 | Devall's Bluff, AR | Feb. 9-19. 1865 |
bn002699 | Devall's Bluff (see Pine Bluff), AR | |
bn000724 | Devall's Bluff*, AR | Dec 1, 12, 1863 |
bn002700 | Devall's Bluff, Ashleys and Jones Station, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
bn002701 | Devall's Bluff, capture of, AR | Jan 17, 1863 |
bn002702 | Devall's Bluff, expedition (see Little Rock), AR | Oct 16-17, 1864 |
bn002703 | Devall's Bluff, expedition (see White River), AR | |
bn002704 | Devall's Bluff, naval, AR | July 16, 1863 |
bn001434 | Devall's Bluff, near, AR | May 22, Nov 2, Dec 13, 1864 |
bn002705 | Devall's Bluff, near*, AR | July 6, 1862 |
bn002706 | Devall's Bluff, to Augusta, expedtion, AR | Dec 7-8, 1864 |
bn001297 | Devall's Bluff, to West Point*, AR | Between Nov 16 and 18, 1864 |
ba001846 | Devil's Backbone, AR | Sept. 1, 1863 |
bn002707 | Devil's Backbone, or Backbone Mountain, AR | Sept 1, 1863 |
ba001863 | Ditch Bayou, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn002723 | Ditch Bayou (see old River Lake), AR | |
ba001886 | Douglas' Plantation, AR | Feb. 22, 1865 |
ba001887 | Dover, AR | March 25, 1864 |
bn002744 | Dover*, AR | Mar 25, 1864 |
ba001908 | Dripping Springs, AR | Dec. 28, 1862 |
bn002768 | Dudley Lake, near*, AR | Dec 16, 1864 |
ba001954 | Dutch Mills, AR | Apr. 14, 1864 |
bn002785 | Dutch Mills*, AR | Apr 14, 1864 |
bn002842 | Elizabethtown, AR | Oct 1, 1863 |
bn002852 | Elkhorn Tavern or Pea Ridge, AR | Mar 6-8, 1862 |
bn002853 | Elkhorn Tavern*, AR | Oct 16, 1862 |
ba001995 | Elkins' Ferry, AR | Apr. 3-4, 1864 |
bn002854 | Elkin's Ferry, Little Missouri River, AR | Apr 3-4, 1864 |
ba002005 | Elm Springs, AR | July 30-31, 1863 |
bn000901 | Elm Springs, at or near, AR | Apr 26, July 30, 1863 |
bn002878 | Eudora Church *, AR | May 9, 1864 |
bn000696 | Eunice, expedition from Helena, AR | Aug. 28 - Sept 3, 1862 |
bn002880 | EveningShade*, AR | Oct 7, 1863 |
bn002902 | Fairview* (see Batesville), AR | June 7, 1862 |
ba002055 | Farr's Mills, AR | July 14, 1864 |
bn002920 | Fawn-Naumkeag and Tyler, U.S.S., engagement with Shelby's forces, White River, AR | June 24-25, 1864 |
ba002059 | Fayetteville, AR | Dec. 7, 1862 |
ba002058 | Fayetteville, AR | July 15, 1862 |
bn000690 | Fayetteville, AR | July 15, Oct 24, 27, 1862 |
bn000949 | Fayetteville, AR | Apr 18, June 4, *, Aug. 23, *, 1863 |
ba002060 | Fayetteville, AR | Apr. 18, 1863 |
ba002061 | Fayetteville, AR | Aug. 23, 1863 |
ba002063 | Fayetteville, AR | June 24, 1864 |
ba002062 | Fayetteville, AR | May 19, 1864 |
ba002064 | Fayetteville, AR | Oct. 28, 1864 |
bn002927 | Fayetteville and Cane Hill, between, AR | Nov 9, 1862 |
bn001578 | Fayetteville, at and near, AR | May 19, * June 24, Aug. 27,*,28, 1864 |
bn002929 | Fayetteville, demonstrations against, AR | Oct 11-14, 1863 |
bn002933 | Fayetteville, Oxford Bend, AR | Oct 28, 1862 |
bn002940 | Ferry's Ford*, AR | Oct 7, 1863 |
bn002941 | Ferry's Landing (see Ashley's Mills), AR | |
ba002072 | Fish Bayou, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn002944 | Fish Bayou (see Old River Lake), AR | June 6, 1864 |
ba002086 | Fitzhugh's Woods, AR | Apr. 1. 1864 |
bn002950 | Fitzhugh's Woods, near Augusta, AR | Apr 1, 1864 |
ba002096 | Flint Creek, AR | March 6, 1864 |
bn002965 | Flint Creek*, AR | Sept 4-5, 1863 |
bn002966 | Flint Creek*, AR | Mar 6, 1864 |
ba002143 | Fort Davis, AR | Dec. - , 1862 |
ba002168 | Fort Hindman, AR | Jan. 11, 1863 |
bn003060 | Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post, AR | Jan 11, 1863 |
bn003061 | Fort Hindman, or Arkansas Post, capture of, AR | Jan 4-17, 1863 |
ba002202 | Fort Smith, AR | Sept. 1, 1863 |
ba002203 | Fort Smith, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
bn003132 | Fort Smith expedition (see Little Rock), AR | |
bn003133 | Fort Smith, (see Massard Prairie), AR | July 27, 1864 |
bn001442 | Fort Smith, near and at, AR | July 31, Sept 1,*,11,*,23, Oct 14, *, Dec 24, *, 1864 |
bn003134 | Fort Smith, occupied by Union forces, AR | Sept 1, 1863 |
bn000843 | Fort Smith, opposite*, AR | Mar 5, May 15, 1863 |
bn003135 | Fort Smith, seizure of, AR | Apr 23, 1861 |
bn003158 | Fouche-le-Faix Mountains*, AR | Nov 11, 1863 |
bn000853 | Frog Bayou, near and at*, AR | Feb 12, Mar 19, 1863 |
bn003228 | Gaines' Landing*, AR | July 20, 1862 |
bn003229 | Gaines' Landing*, AR | June 28, 1863 |
bn003240 | Galloway's Farm, near Jacksonport, AR | June 2, 1862 |
bn003275 | Gerald Mountain*, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
bn003304 | Glass Village, near*, AR | Sept 8, 1864 |
ba002338 | Grand Haze, AR | July 4, 1862 |
ba002341 | Grand Prairie, AR | July 6, 1862 |
bn003356 | Grand Prairie, AR | Aug. 17, 1863 |
bn003396 | Green's Dr., farm, near Lawrenceville*, AR | Nov 19, 1863 |
ba002369 | Green's Farm, AR | Nov. 19, 1863 |
bn003410 | Gregeory's Landing ( see Commercial, steamer), AR | |
ba002382 | Gregory's Landing, AR | Sept. 4, 1864 |
bn003441 | Hagenwood Station ( see Moffat's Station), Ark, AR | |
ba002407 | Haguewood Station, AR | Sept. 27, 1863 |
ba002408 | Hahn's Farm, AR | June 19, 1864 |
bn003448 | Hahn's farm, near Waldren*, AR | June 19, 1864 |
bn003452 | Half-way House, between Little Rock and Pine Bluff*, AR | Oct 25, 1864 |
bn003512 | Harrison's Landing*, AR | Aug. 16, 1863 |
bn003534 | Hatch's Ferry*, AR | Aug. 9, 1864 |
ba002476 | Hay Station, AR | July 30, 1864 |
bn003541 | Hay Station, No 3, near Brownville*, AR | July 30, 1864 |
ba002478 | Hazen's Farm, AR | Nov. 2, 1864 |
bn003548 | Hazen's farm, near Devall's Bluff, AR | Nov 2, 1864 |
ba002483 | Helena, AR | Aug. 11-14, 1862 |
ba002486 | Helena, AR | Dec. 14. 1862 |
ba002485 | Helena, AR | Dec. 5, 1862 |
ba002484 | Helena, AR | Oct. 11, 1862 |
ba002482 | Helena, AR | Sept. 19-20, 1862 |
ba002487 | Helena, AR | July 4, 1863 |
bn001469 | Helena, at and near*, AR | July 14, Aug. 11, Sept 19-20, Oct 11, 18, 20, 22, 25, Dec 5, 14, 23, 1862 |
bn003554 | Helena, expedition from , to Kent's Landing, AR | Aug. 11-13, 1864 |
bn003556 | Helena, expedition from, to BuckIsland, Mississippi River, AR | July 13-16, 1864 |
bn003557 | Helena, expedition to Clarendon, AR | Aug. 4-17, 1862 |
bn003558 | Helena, expedition to Marianna, AR | July 24-26, 1862 |
bn003559 | Helena, expedition to mouth of the White River, AR | Aug. 5-8, 1862 |
bn003560 | Helena, expedition to Old Town and Trenton, AR | July 28-31, 1862 |
bn000697 | Helena, expedtition to Eunice, AR | Aug. 28, to Sept 3, 1862 |
bn000811 | Helena, near, AR | Jan 1, 12, *, May 25, *, July 4, 1863 |
bn003583 | Hickory Plains*, AR | Aug. 7, 1864 |
ba002501 | Hickory Station, AR | Apr. 2, 1865 |
bn003584 | Hickory Station, near*, AR | Apr 2, 1865 |
bn003590 | Hilcher's Ferry ( see Batesville), AR | |
ba002510 | Hill's Plantation, AR | July 7, 1862 |
bn003591 | Hill's Plantation, AR | July 7, 1862 |
bn003592 | Hill's Plantation ( see Cotton Plantation), AR | |
bn003609 | Hog Eye*, AR | Sept 4-5, 1863 |
bn003630 | Hopefield, AR | Mar 14, 1864 |
bn003631 | Hopefield, burning of, AR | Feb 19, 1863 |
bn003644 | Horse Head Creek*, AR | Feb 17, 1864 |
ba002545 | Hot Springs, AR | Feb. 4, 1864 |
bn003647 | Hot Springs*, AR | Feb 4, 1864 |
bn003650 | Houston, Mo., scout into and skirmish*, AR | Feb 5-17, 1864 |
bn003682 | Huntersville, near*, AR | July 8, 1864 |
ba002576 | Huntsville, AR | Nov. 9, 1863 |
bn003685 | Huntsville*, AR | Oct 22, 1862 |
bn003686 | Huntsville*, AR | Jan 6, 1865 |
bn003689 | Huntsville, near*, AR | Nov 9, 1863 |
ba002582 | Hurricane Creek, AR | Oct. 23, 1864 |
bn003694 | Hurricane Creek*, AR | Oct 23, 1864 |
ba002592 | Illinois Creek, AR | Dec. 7, 1862 |
ba002602 | Indian Bay, AR | Apr. 13, 1864 |
bn001132 | Indian Bay*, AR | Feb 16, Apr 13, 1864 |
bn003736 | Island No. 65, near*, AR | May 23, 1863 |
bn003737 | Island No. 65, near, Mississippi River*, AR | May 1863 |
ba002628 | Ivey's Ford, AR | Jan. 17, 1865 |
bn001365 | Ivey's Ford, at and near, AR | Jan 8, *, 17, 1865 |
bn003756 | Jackson*, AR | Aug. 3, 1862 |
bn003757 | Jackson*, AR | Mar 3, 1864 |
bn003767 | Jacksonport, AR | June 12, 1862 |
ba002646 | Jacksonport, AR | Dec. 23, 1863 |
bn000945 | Jacksonport, AR | Nov 21, Dec 23, *, 1863 |
ba002645 | Jacksonport, AR | Nov. 21, 1863 |
ba002647 | Jacksonport, AR | Apr. 24, 1864 |
bn003768 | Jacksonport, attack on, AR | Apr 20, 1864 |
bn003769 | Jacksonport, Galloway's Farm, AR | June 2, 1862 |
bn001305 | Jacksonport, near*, AR | Between Apr 22, and 24, 1864 |
bn003821 | Jenkins' Ferry, AR | Apr 30, 1864 |
ba002668 | Jenkins' Ferry, AR | Apr. 30, 1864 |
bn003826 | Jenny Lind*, AR | Sept 1, 1863 |
bn003833 | Johnson County*, AR | Jan 7, 1865 |
bn003845 | Jones ( see Ashley's Station), AR | |
ba002696 | Jones' Hay Station, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
ba002686 | Jonesboro, AR | Aug. 3, 1862 |
bn003852 | Jonesborough, AR | Aug. 2, 1862 |
bn003893 | Kendal's gristmill ( see White River expedition), AR | |
ba002723 | Kickapoo Bottom, AR | May 29, 1862 |
bn003906 | Kickapoo Bottom, near Sylamore*, AR | May 29, 1862 |
ba002738 | King's River, AR | Apr. 19, 1864 |
bn003917 | Kings River (see Osage Branch), AR | |
bn001154 | Kings River*, AR | Jan 10, Apr 19, 1864 |
ba002740 | Kingston, AR | Oct. 10, 1863 |
bn003923 | Kingston, near*, AR | Nov 10, 1863 |
bn003939 | Knight's Cove, near*, AR | June 19, 1862 |
ba002776 | La Grange, AR | Nov. 8, 1862 |
ba002777 | La Grange, AR | May 1, 1863 |
bn003967 | LaGrange*, AR | May 1, 1863 |
bn001585 | LaGrange*, AR | Sept 6, Nov 1, 8, Dec 30, 1862 |
ba002780 | Lake Chicot, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn003973 | Lake Chicot ( see Old River Lake), AR | June 6, 1864 |
ba002787 | Lake Village, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn001235 | Lake Village*, AR | Feb 10, June 6, 1864 |
bn003990 | Lamb's Plantation, near Helena*, AR | Aug. 1, 1864 |
ba002800 | L'Anguille Ferry, AR | Aug. 3, 1862 |
bn004018 | Lawrence, near Green's Farm*, AR | Nov 19, 1863 |
bn004041 | Lee's Creek*, AR | May 1, 1864 |
ba002858 | Lewisburg, AR | Jan. 17, 1864 |
ba002859 | Lewisburg, AR | Feb. 12, 1865 |
bn000991 | Lewisburg, at and near*, AR | Jan 17, June 10 between Sept 9 and 12, Dec 5, 6, 1864 |
bn004068 | Lewisburg, expedition from to Fort Smith, AR | Nov 5-23, 1864 |
bn001164 | Lewisburg, expedition from to Strahans Landing, AR | Nov 26- Dec 2, 1864 |
bn004070 | Lewisburg, near*, AR | Feb 12, 1865 |
ba002886 | Liberty Postoffice, AR | Apr. 16, 1864 |
bn004086 | Liberty Post-Office*, AR | Apr 16, 1864 |
ba002887 | Lick Creek, AR | Jan. 12, 1863 |
bn004092 | Lick Creek, near Helena*, AR | Jan 12, 1863 |
bn004093 | Licking (see Salem), AR | |
ba002891 | Limestone Valley, AR | Apr. 17, 1864 |
bn004103 | Limestone Valley*, AR | Apr 17, 1864 |
bn004111 | Litchfield*, AR | May 2, 1862 |
ba002912 | Little Missouri, AR | Apr. 6, 1864 |
bn004127 | Little Missouri River ( see Elkin's Ferry), AR | |
bn001236 | Little Missouri River*, AR | Jan 25, Apr 6, 1864 |
ba002918 | Little Red River, AR | June 25, 1862 |
ba002917 | Little Red River, AR | June 7, 1862 |
ba002916 | Little Red River, AR | May 17, 1862 |
bn000700 | Little Red River, AR | May 17, June 5, 7, 1862 |
bn004131 | Little Red River ( see Bealer's Ferry), AR | |
bn004143 | Little River, swamps of*, AR | Apr 5-9, 1864 |
ba002922 | Little Rock, AR | Sept. 10, 1863 |
ba002923 | Little Rock, AR | May 28, 1864 |
bn004144 | Little Rock ( see Benton Road), AR | |
bn001332 | Little Rock and Devall's Bluff, expedition from, to Searcy, Fairview, and Augusta, AR | Aug. 27 - Sept 6, 1864 |
bn004145 | Little Rock and Pine Bluff ( see Halfway House), AR | |
bn004146 | Little Rock Arsenal, seizure of, AR | Feb 8, 1861 |
bn004147 | Little Rock Expediton from, to Benton, AR | Nov 2-3, 1864 |
ba002925 | Little Rock Road, AR | Apr. 2, 1863 |
bn004149 | Little Rock Road*, AR | Apr 2, 1863 |
bn000746 | Little Rock, advance upon, AR | Aug. 1-Sept 14, 1863 |
bn004150 | Little Rock, capture of, AR | Sept 10, 1863 |
bn004151 | Little Rock, expedition from, to Fagan's Ford, Saline River, AR | Nov 17-18, 1864 |
bn001283 | Little Rock, expedition from, to Fort Smith, AR | Sept 25 - Oct 13, 1864 |
bn004152 | Little Rock, expedition from, to Little Red River, AR | Aug. 6-16, 1864 |
bn004153 | Little Rock, near*, AR | Jan 22, 1865 |
bn001590 | Little Rock, near*, AR | Apr 26, May 24, 28, July 10, 19, Sept 2, 1864 |
ba002949 | Long View, AR | March 29, 1864 |
bn004193 | Long View*, AR | Mar 29, 1864 |
ba002979 | Luna Landing, AR | Feb. 22, 1864 |
bn004231 | Luna Landing*, AR | Feb 22, 1864 |
bn001184 | Lunenburg*, AR | Jan 20 or 24, 1864 |
ba003011 | Madison, AR | Apr. 4. 1863 |
ba003010 | Madison, AR | March, 1863 |
ba003012 | Madison, AR | Feb. 12, 1865 |
bn004254 | Madison County*, AR | Jan 15, 1865 |
bn000882 | Madison*, AR | Mar --- June 25, 1863 |
bn004259 | Madison, near*, AR | Feb 12, 1865 |
ba003046 | Marianna, AR | Nov. 8, 1862 |
bn004297 | Marianna, *, AR | Nov 7, 1862 |
bn004298 | Marianna, expedition from Helena, AR | July 24-26, 1862 |
ba003050 | Marion, AR | Jan. 20-21, 1865 |
bn001349 | Marion, at and near*, AR | Jan 20, 21, 1865 |
ba003055 | Marks' Mills, AR | Apr. 5, 1864 |
bn004304 | Mark's Mills, AR | Apr 25, 1864 |
bn004305 | Mark's Mills*, AR | Apr 5, 1864 |
ba003074 | Martin's Creek, AR | Jan. 7, 1864 |
bn004319 | Martin's Creek*, AR | Jan 7, 1864 |
bn004342 | Massard Prairie, near Fort Smith, AR | July 27, 1864 |
ba003090 | Maysville, AR | Jan., 1863 |
ba003091 | Maysville, AR | Sept. 5, 1863 |
bn004361 | Maysville, near, AR | Oct 22, 1862 |
bn000912 | Maysville, near*, AR | Jan ---, Sept 5, 1863 |
bn001172 | Maysville, near*, AR | May 8, July 20, 1864 |
ba003092 | Maysville. Ark., AR | May 8, 1864 |
ba003093 | Mazzard's Prairie, AR | Jul 21, 1864 |
bn004373 | McGuire's, AR | Oct 28, 1862 |
ba002995 | McGuire's, AR | Oct. 12. 1863 |
bn004374 | McGuire's Ferry, AR | Sept 23, 1862 |
bn004375 | McGuire's, near Fayetteville, AR | Oct 12, 1863 |
ba003000 | McMilley's Farm, AR | Feb. 27, 1865 |
bn004381 | McMilley's Farm*, AR | Feb 27, 1865 |
bn004398 | Meffleton Lodge*, AR | June 29, 1864 |
bn004423 | Merriweather's Ferry, Bayou Boeuf*, AR | Dec 13, 1863 |
bn004462 | Miller, steamer, capture of, on Arkansas River near Pine Bluff, AR | Aug. 17, 1864 |
bn004492 | Missouri River, upper, AR | Oct 10, 1862 |
ba003179 | Moffat's Station, AR | Sept. 27, 1863 |
bn004511 | Moffat's Station, or Hagnewood Station, Franklin County*, AR | Sept 27, 1863 |
bn004536 | Monticell Road*, AR | May 16, 1865 |
ba003203 | Monticello, AR | Jan. 13-14, 1864 |
ba003204 | Monticello, AR | March 18, 1864 |
ba003205 | Monticello, AR | May 24, 1864 |
ba003206 | Monticello, AR | Sept. 10, 1864 |
bn004537 | Monticello ( see Camden), AR | |
ba003209 | Monticello Road, AR | June 17, 1864 |
bn004539 | Monticello Road, near Pine Bluff*, AR | June 17, 1864 |
bn004540 | Monticello*, AR | May 24, 1865 |
bn000989 | Monticello, at and near*, AR | Mar 18, Sept 10, 1864 |
ba003233 | Morgan's Mill, AR | Feb. 9, 1864 |
bn004556 | Morgan's Mill Spring River*, AR | Feb 9, 1864 |
bn004572 | Moro Bottom*, AR | Apr 25-26, 1864 |
bn004586 | Moscow, AR | Apr 13, 1864 |
ba003248 | Moscow, AR | Apr. 13, 1864 |
bn004594 | Mound City, burning of, AR | Jan 15, 1863 |
ba003274 | Mount Elba, AR | March 28-30. 1864 |
bn001536 | Mount Elba, AR | Mar 28, *, 30, Oct 3, * 1864 |
bn004603 | Mount Ida*, AR | Nov 13, 1863 |
ba003289 | Mount Vernon, AR | May 11, 1863 |
bn004619 | Mount Vernon*, AR | May 11, 1863 |
bn004628 | Mountain Fork*, AR | Feb 4, 1864 |
bn004632 | Mountain Home*, AR | Oct 17, 1862 |
ba003299 | Mud Town, AR | Aug. 24. 1864 |
bn004649 | Mudtown*, AR | Dec 9, 1862 |
bn004650 | Mudtown*, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
bn000762 | Mulberry river, near mouth of*, AR | Feb 2, 3, 1863 |
bn004656 | Mulberry Springs*, AR | Jan 26, 1863 |
ba003303 | Mullberry River, AR | Feb. 3, 1863 |
bn004709 | Naumkeag, Fawn, and Tyler, U.S.S. engagement between Shelby's forces, White River, AR | June 24-25, 1864 |
bn004798 | Newton County, AR | Nov 15, 1863 |
bn000427 | Norristown, near and at*, AR | May 19, Sept 6, between 9 and 12, 1864 |
ba003466 | Oil Trough Bottom, AR | March 24, 1864 |
bn001053 | Oil Trough Bottom, at and near*, AR | Mar 24, 27, 1864 |
bn004883 | Okolona*, AR | Apr 2-3, 1864 |
bn004888 | Old Fort Wayne, or Beatties Prairie, near Marysville, AR | Oct 22, 1862 |
ba003478 | Old River Lake, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn004891 | Old River Lake, Lake Chicot, Ditch Bayou, or Columbia Fish Bayou, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn004893 | Old Town and Trenton expedition, AR | July 28-31, 1862 |
ba003499 | Osage Branch, AR | Apr. 16. 1864 |
bn004917 | Osage Branch of King's River*, AR | Apr 16, 1864 |
bn004920 | Osage Springs*, AR | Feb 28, 1862 |
ba003501 | Osceola, AR | Aug. 2, 1864 |
bn001165 | Osceola*, AR | Apr 5-9, Aug. 2, 1864 |
bn004928 | Ouachita River, AR | Apr 29, 1864 |
ba003505 | Ouachita River, AR | Apr. 29, 1864 |
ba003521 | Oxford Bend, AR | Oct. 28, 1862 |
bn004941 | Oxford Bend, White River, Fayetteville, AR | Oct 28, 1862 |
bn004947 | Ozark*, AR | Oct 29, 1863 |
bn005017 | Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern, AR | Mar 6-8, 1862 |
ba003594 | Pemiscot Bayou, AR | Apr. 6, 1864 |
ba003600 | Perry County, AR | Dec. 3, 1864 |
bn005048 | Perry County*, AR | Dec 3, 1864 |
bn005049 | Perry, J. D., steamer, attack on, Clarendon, AR | Sept 9, 1864 |
ba003617 | Petit Jean, AR | July 10, 1864 |
bn005070 | Petit Jean, near*, AR | July 10, 1864 |
ba003645 | Pikeville, AR | June 26, 1864 |
ba003276 | Pilount Ida, AR | Nov. 13, 1863 |
bn005106 | Pine Bluff, AR | Oct 25, 1863 |
ba003655 | Pine Bluff, AR | Oct. 25, 1863 |
ba003658 | Pine Bluff, AR | July 2, 1864 |
ba003659 | Pine Bluff, AR | July 22. 1864 |
ba003660 | Pine Bluff, AR | July 30, 1864 |
ba003656 | Pine Bluff, AR | June 17, 1864 |
ba003657 | Pine Bluff, AR | June 21, 1864 |
ba003661 | Pine Bluff, AR | Sept. 11, 1864 |
ba003662 | Pine Bluff, AR | Jan. 9, 1865 |
ba003663 | Pine Bluff, AR | March 4, 1865 |
bn001547 | Pine Bluff , near*, AR | Jan 9, Feb 11, Mar 4, 1865 |
bn005107 | Pine Bluff and Little Rock ( see Halfway House), AR | |
bn005108 | Pine Bluff Scout from to Douglas Plantation*, AR | Feb 21-22, 1865 |
bn005109 | Pine Bluff to Devalls Bluff, scout with skirmish, AR | Feb 9-19, 1865 |
bn001588 | Pine Bluff, at and near*, AR | May 1, 21, June 17, July 22, 30, Aug. 18, Sept - 1864 |
bn005111 | Pine Bluff, capture of steamer Miller near, AR | Aug. 17, 1864 |
bn005112 | Pine Bluff, expedition from, toward Montecello, AR | Sept 9-11, 1864 |
bn005113 | Pine Bluff, seizure of U.S. stores, AR | Apr 18, 1861 |
bn005123 | Piney Mountains*, AR | Apr 6, 1864 |
bn000612 | Pitmans Ferry, AR | Oct 27, Nov 25, 1862 |
ba003679 | Pitman's Ferry, AR | Nov. 25. 1862 |
ba003678 | Pitman's Ferry, AR | Oct. 27, 1862 |
bn005163 | Pocahontas*, AR | Apr 21, 1862 |
bn005165 | Pocahontas*, AR | Feb 10, 1864 |
ba003729 | Poison Spring, AR | Apr. 18, 1864 |
bn005183 | Poison Spring, near Camden, AR | Apr 18, 1864 |
ba003731 | Polk's Plantation, AR | May 25. 1863 |
bn005185 | Polk's Plantation, near Helena*, AR | May 25, 1863 |
bn005204 | Pope County*, AR | Feb 5, 1863 |
ba003778 | Potts' Hill, AR | Feb. 16, 1862 |
bn005257 | Prairie D' Ane*, AR | Apr 9-12, 1864 |
ba003791 | Prairie D'Ane, AR | Apr. 9-12, 1864 |
ba003794 | Prairie Grove, AR | Apr. 7, 1864 |
ba003793 | Prairie Grove, Fayetteville or Illinois Creek, AR | Dec. 7, 1862 |
bn005260 | Prairie Grove, near*, AR | Apr 6-7, 1864 |
ba003808 | Princeton, AR | Dec. 8, 1863 |
ba003809 | Princeton, AR | Apr. 28, 1864 |
ba003810 | Princeton, AR | Oct. 21, 1864 |
bn005273 | Princeton*, AR | Dec 8, 1863 |
bn005275 | Princeton, near*, AR | Apr 28, 1864 |
bn005294 | Queen City, U.S.S. capture of, on White River, AR | June 24, 1864 |
ba003846 | Quitman, AR | Sept. 2, 1864 |
bn001166 | Quitman, near*, AR | Mar 26, Sept 2, 1864 |
bn005339 | Rector's Farm*, AR | Dec 19, 1864 |
ba003895 | Red Mound, AR | Apr. 17, 1864 |
bn005349 | Red Mound*, AR | Apr 17, 1864 |
ba003907 | Reed's Bridge, AR | Aug. 27, 1863 |
bn005362 | Reed's Bridge, or Bayou Meto, AR | Aug. 27, 1863 |
ba003908 | Reed's Mountain, AR | Dec. 6, 1862 |
ba003910 | Reeves' Mill, AR | Nov. 19, 1864 |
ba003912 | Remount Camp, AR | Aug. 5, 1864 |
bn005370 | Remount Camp, near*, AR | Aug. 5, 1864 |
bn005375 | Resolute, steamer, attack on White River near Clarendon, AR | Oct 11, 1864 |
bn005379 | Rhea's Mills, AR | Nov 7, 1862 |
ba003920 | Rhea's Mills, AR | Nov. 7, 1862 |
bn005380 | Rhea's Mills*, AR | Apr 7, 1864 |
ba003925 | Richland Creek, AR | Apr. 13-14, 1864 |
ba003927 | Richland Creek, AR | Aug. 16, 1864 |
ba003926 | Richland Creek, AR | May 3-5, 1864 |
bn001556 | Richland Creek, at and near*, AR | Apr 11, 13-14, May 3, 5, Aug. 16, 1864 |
bn001187 | Richland, at and near*, AR | Sept 6, Dec 24, 1864 |
ba003987 | Rockport, AR | March 25, 1864 |
bn005447 | Rockport*, AR | Mar 25, 1864 |
ba004003 | Rodgers' Crossing, AR | Sept. 14, 1864 |
bn005465 | Rodgers' Crossing, White River*, AR | Sept 14, 1864 |
ba004004 | Rodgers' Plantation, AR | Apr. 25, 1865 |
bn005466 | Rodgers' Plantation*, AR | Apr 25, 1865 |
ba004023 | Rolling Prairie, AR | Feb. 4, 1864 |
ba004022 | Rolling Prairie, AR | Jan. 23, 1864 |
bn001225 | Rolling Prairie*, AR | Jan 23, Feb 4, 1864 |
bn001077 | Rolling Prairie, expedition to Batesville*, AR | Mar 19-Apr 4, 1864 |
ba004032 | Roseville, AR | Nov. 12, 1863 |
ba004033 | Roseville, AR | March 29 to Apr. 5, 1864 |
bn005493 | Roseville Creek*, AR | Mar 20, 1864 |
bn005494 | Roseville*, AR | Nov 12, 1863 |
bn001285 | Roseville*, AR | Mar 29, Apr 4-5, 15, 1864 |
ba004034 | Ross Landing, AR | Feb. 14, 1864 |
bn005495 | Ross Landing*, AR | Feb 14, 1864 |
ba005076 | Round Hill, AR | July 7, 1862 |
bn005502 | Round Hill*, AR | July 7, 1862 |
bn005507 | Round Prairie*, AR | Sept 4-5, 1863 |
bn001280 | Russellville*, AR | Between Sept 9 and 12, 1864 |
ba004091 | Saint Charles, AR | June 17, 1862 |
ba004092 | Saint Charles, AR | Sept. 12, 1862 |
ba004093 | Saint Charles, AR | Jan. 13, 1863 |
ba004094 | Saint Charles, AR | Oct. 22, 1864 |
ba004096 | Saint Francis County, AR | Apr. 8, 1863 |
ba004097 | Saint Francis Road, AR | Dec. 23, 1862 |
ba004108 | Salem, AR | May 29, 1864 |
bn001353 | Salem and Licking, scout from, to Spring River Mills, with skirmish*, AR | Feb 23-Mar 2, 1865 |
bn005547 | Salem, capture of wagon train, AR | May 29, 1864 |
bn005552 | Saline Bottom, near*, AR | Apr 29, 1864 |
bn001544 | Saline River, AR | Between Jan 22 and Feb 4, 1865 |
bn005554 | Saline River*, AR | Feb 15, 1864 |
ba004163 | Scatterville, AR | July 10, 1862 |
bn005618 | Scatterville*, AR | Aug. 3, 1862 |
bn005619 | Scatterville*, AR | July 28, 1864 |
bn005624 | Scott's Farm, Washita Cove*, AR | Feb 14, 1864 |
ba004173 | Searcy, AR | Jul. 4, 1864 |
ba004172 | Searcy, AR | May 18, 1864 |
bn005632 | Searcy County, AR | Dec 31, 1863 |
bn005633 | Searcy County*, AR | July 4, 1864 |
ba004175 | Searcy Landing, AR | May 19, 1862 |
bn005634 | Searcy Landing, AR | May 19, 1862 |
bn005635 | Searcy Landing, expedition to West Point, Searcy, and Bayou Des Arc with skirmish, AR | May 27, 1862 |
bn001432 | Searcy, at and near*, AR | May 18, June 2, Aug. 13, Sept 6, 13, 1864 |
bn000857 | Shallow Ford, Bayou Meto, AR | Aug. 30, Sept 2, 1863 |
bn005686 | Shells' Mills, AR | Oct 16, 1862 |
bn005687 | Shell's Mills, AR | Sept 9 1861 |
ba004301 | Smithville, AR | June 17, 1862 |
bn005768 | Smithville, AR | June 17, 1862 |
bn005769 | Smithville, near, AR | Apr 13, 1864 |
ba004307 | Snake Creek, AR | Apr. 23, 1865 |
bn005775 | Snake Creek*, AR | Apr 23, 1865 |
ba004361 | Spavinaw, AR | May 13, 1864 |
bn005831 | Spavinaw*, AR | May 13, 1864 |
bn005841 | Spring Creek, AR | Mar 18, 1864 |
bn005854 | Spring River, AR | Mar 13, 1862 |
ba004391 | Spring River, AR | Mar. 13, 1862 |
ba004392 | Spring River, AR | Apr. 13, 1864 |
bn005855 | Spring River Mills ( see Salem), AR | |
bn005858 | Spring River, near Smithville*, AR | Apr 13, 1864 |
bn005866 | Springfield, expedition to Fort Smith*, AR | Nov 5-16, 1864 |
bn005874 | St. Charles, AR | June 17, 1862 |
bn005875 | St. Charles ( see Union Transport), AR | |
bn005877 | St. Charles*, AR | Nov 24, 1864 |
bn005878 | St. Charles*, AR | Apr 11, 1865 |
bn005880 | St. Charles, capture of, AR | Jan 13, 1863 |
bn005881 | St. Francis County*, AR | Apr 8, 1863 |
bn005882 | St. Francis River ( see Chalk Bluff), AR | |
bn005883 | St. Francis Road, near Helena*, AR | Dec 23, 1862 |
ba004406 | Steele's Expedition to Camden, AR | March 23-May 3, 1864 |
ba004423 | Stewart's Plantation, AR | June 27, 1862 |
bn005940 | Stewart's Plantation*, AR | June 27, 1862 |
ba004441 | Stone's Farm, AR | Apr. 5, 1864 |
bn005971 | Stony Point*, AR | May 20, 1864 |
ba004468 | Stroud's Store, AR | Dec. 23, 1863 |
bn005981 | Stroud's Store*, AR | Dec 23, 1863 |
ba004479 | Sugar Creek, AR | Feb. 16-17, 1862 |
bn000577 | Sugar Creek, AR | Oct 17, 1862 |
ba004486 | Sugar Loaf Prairie, AR | Jan. 12, 1865 |
bn005997 | Sugar Loaf Prairie, near, AR | Jan 12, 1865 |
bn006003 | Sulphur Springs*, AR | Jan 25, 1864 |
bn006020 | Sunnyside Landing*, AR | June 7, 1864 |
bn006028 | Swan Lake, AR | Apr 23, 1864 |
ba004501 | Swan Lake, AR | Apr. 23, 1864 |
ba004517 | Sylamore, AR | May 29, 1862 |
bn006043 | Sylamore, AR | Jan 25, 1864 |
ba004518 | Sylamore, AR | Jan. 24-27, 1864 |
bn006044 | Sylamore Creek*, AR | Jan 26, 1864 |
bn006045 | Sylamore, Kickapoo Bottom, AR | May 29, 1862 |
ba004527 | Talbot's Ferry, AR | Apr. 19, 1862 |
bn006054 | Talbot's Ferry*, AR | Apr 19, 1862 |
bn006063 | Tannery, near Little Rock*, AR | Sept 2, 1864 |
ba004538 | Taylor's Creek, AR | May 11, 1863 |
bn006069 | Taylor's Creek or Crowley's Ridge*, AR | May 11, 1863 |
ba004555 | Terre Noir Creek, AR | Apr. 2, 1864 |
bn006092 | Terre Noir Creek, or Antoine*, AR | Apr 2, 1864 |
ba004588 | Threlkeld's Ferry, AR | Feb. 5, 1863 |
bn006117 | Threlkeld's Ferry*, AR | Feb--, 1863 |
ba004596 | Tomahawk Crossing, AR | Jan. 22, 1864 |
bn006131 | Tomahawk Gap*, AR | Feb 9, 1864 |
bn006132 | Tomahawk*, AR | June 22, 1864 |
bn006150 | Trenton*, AR | Oct 14, 1862 |
ba004633 | Tulip, AR | Oct. 11, 1863 |
bn000890 | Tulip*, AR | Oct 10, 12, 27, 1863 |
bn006199 | Tyler, Naumkeag and Fawn, U.S.S., engagement between Shelby's forces, AR | June 24-25, 1864 |
bn006222 | Union Transport, attack on White River near St. Charles, AR | Oct 22, 1864 |
ba004700 | Vache Grass, AR | Sept. 26. 1864 |
bn006240 | Vache Grass*, AR | Sept 26, 1864 |
ba004706 | Van Buren, AR | Dec. 28, 1862 |
ba004707 | Van Buren, AR | Feb. 10, 1863 |
ba004708 | Van Buren, AR | Aug. 12, 1864 |
ba004709 | Van Buren, AR | Apr. 2, 1865 |
bn006247 | Van Buren County*, AR | Mar 25, 1864 |
bn001428 | Van Buren*, AR | Apr 12, July 7, Aug. 12, 1864 |
bn006249 | Van Buren, capture of, AR | Dec 28, 1862 |
bn006251 | Van Buren, near*, AR | Feb 10, 1863 |
bn006252 | Van Buren, near*, AR | Apr 2, 1865 |
bn006257 | Vance's Store*, AR | Oct 2, 1863 |
ba004751 | Village Creek, AR | June 12, 1862 |
bn006293 | Village Creek*(see Waddell's farm), AR | May 21, 1862 |
bn006294 | Village Creek, Waddell's farm*, AR | June 12, 1862 |
ba004754 | Vine Prairie, AR | Feb. 2, 1863 |
bn006297 | Vine Prairie, on White Oak River*, AR | Feb 2-3, 1863 |
bn006301 | Voche's Mrs., vicinity of Bayou Meto*, AR | Feb 23, 1865 |
ba004758 | Waddell's Farm, AR | June 12, 1862 |
ba004759 | Waddell's Farm, AR | June 27, 1862 |
bn006306 | Waddell's Farm, near Village Creek*, AR | June 12, 1862 |
ba004766 | Waldron, AR | Dec. 29, 1863 |
ba004765 | Waldron, AR | Sept. 11, 1863 |
ba004767 | Waldron, AR | Feb. 1, 1864 |
bn001572 | Waldron, AR | Sept 11*, Oct 6*, Dec 9, 29, 1863 |
bn001586 | Waldron, at and near*, AR | Between Jan 21 and 25, Feb 1, June 19, 1864 |
ba004773 | Wallace's Ferry, AR | July 26, 1864 |
bn006317 | Wallace's Ferry, Big Creek, AR | July 26, 1864 |
bn006348 | Washington and Benton Counties, expedition in*, AR | Aug. 21-27, 1864 |
bn006350 | Washington County*, AR | Feb 17, 1865 |
bn006353 | Washington*, AR | Aug. 29, 1863 |
bn006354 | Washington*, AR | May 28,, 1864 |
bn006355 | Washington*, AR | Mar 11, 1865 |
bn006360 | Washita Cove ( see Scott's Farm), AR | |
ba004836 | Waugh's Farm, AR | Feb. 19, 1864 |
ba004873 | West Point, AR | Aug. 14, 1863 |
ba004875 | West Point, AR | July 28, 1864 |
ba004874 | West Point, AR | June 16, 1864 |
bn006428 | West Point*, AR | Aug. 14, 1863 |
bn006429 | West Point*, AR | June 16, 1864 |
bn006434 | West Point, scout to Deval's Bluff*, AR | Nov 16-18, 1864 |
bn006454 | White County, AR | May 27, 1862 |
bn006455 | White County*, AR | Feb 9, 1864 |
ba004897 | White Oak Creek, AR | Apr. 14, 1864 |
ba004898 | White Oak Creek, AR | Sept. 29, 1864 |
bn001531 | White Oak Creek*, AR | Apr 14, Aug. 11, Sept 29, 1864 |
ba004912 | White River, AR | Jan. 13-19, 1863 |
ba004913 | White River, AR | March 22, 1863 |
ba004914 | White River, AR | March 25, 1864 |
ba004916 | White River, AR | Oct. 22, 1864 |
ba004915 | White River, AR | Sept. 14, 1864 |
bn006488 | White River, AR | Sept 14, 1864 |
bn006489 | White River ( see Commercial, steamer), AR | |
bn006490 | White River ( see Fawn U.S.S.), AR | |
bn006491 | White River ( see Naumkeag), AR | |
bn006492 | White River ( see Resolute, steamer), AR | |
bn006493 | White River ( see Tyler, U.S.S.), AR | |
bn006494 | White River ( see Union transport), AR | |
ba004919 | White River Station, AR | June 22, 1864 |
bn006495 | White River Station*, AR | June 22, 1864 |
bn006496 | White River*, AR | May 6, 1862 |
bn000931 | White River*, AR | Mar 6, Apr 9, 1863 |
bn001095 | White River, attack on steamer, AR | Oct 11, 22, 1864 |
bn001218 | White River, expedition from Helena, with affair at Kendall's Grist Mill, AR | Aug. 29- Sept 3, 1864 |
bn006498 | White River, expedition from mouth of, to Helena, AR | Aug. 5-8, 1862 |
bn006499 | White River, expedition up, from Devall's Bluff, AR | Dec 13-15, 1864 |
bn006500 | White River, near, AR | Mar 25, 1864 |
bn006502 | White River, near head of*, AR | Mar 22, 1863 |
bn000537 | White River, operations on, AR | June 10-July 14, 1862 |
bn006503 | White River, Oxford Bend, AR | Oct 28, 1862 |
bn006504 | White Spring, Boston Mountains*, AR | Jan 2, 1863 |
ba004923 | White Springs, AR | Jan. 2, 1863 |
ba004892 | Whiteley's Mills, AR | Apr. 5, 1864 |
bn006508 | Whiteley's Mills*, AR | Apr 5, 1864 |
ba004929 | Whitmore's Mill, AR | Apr. 30, 1864 |
bn006519 | Whitmore's Mill*, AR | Apr 30, 1864 |
ba005071 | Wolf Creek, AR | Apr. 2, 1864 |
bn006600 | Wolf Creek*, AR | Apr 2, 1864 |
bn006628 | Worthington's Landing*, AR | June 5, 1864 |
bn006646 | Yell County*, AR | Aug. 22, 1864 |
bn001100 | Yell County, scout and skirmish*, AR | July 22-Aug. 11, 1864 |
bn006652 | Yellville*, AR | June 25, 1862 |
bn006653 | Yellville, near*, AR | Mar 13-26, 1864 |