Love's Cavalry Battalion

The Fourth Alabama Cavalry Battalion (Love's) was made up of three companies, "A", "B", and "C", organized from Alabama. This unit may have been formed as early as January, 1862.

Shortly after organization, this battalion was merged into the Jeff Davis Cavalry Legion. This legion included men from Mississippi, Georgia, and Alabama, but was known as a Mississippi unit. By July, 1864, the battalion was transferred into the Georgia Phillips Cavalry Legion. Orders merging the 4th Battalion into the other units do not appear however, until July 1864.

No. 82--(763) July 11, 1864, assigned, by special orders, No. 161, to the Jeff Davis legion of cavalry. (823) Field returns, July, 1864.

No. 88--(656) Transferred to Phillips' legion, September, 1864.

(1219) August 10, 1864; Young's brigade, Butler's division, Hampton's cavalry corps.

(1310) September, 1864, with Phillips' legion, assignment as above.


Captian: Andrew P. Love (captured, Dinwiddie); Bethune B. McKenzie; and G. A. Roberts.



Company A - Pike County became Co. "H" in the Jeff. Davis Legion; Capt. Andrew P. Love
Company B - Barbour County became Co. "I" in the Jeff. Davis Legion; Capt. Bethune B. McKenzie
Company C- Barbour County became Co. "K" in the Jeff. Davis Legion; Capt. G. A. Roberts


For Additional Research